Chapter 35: Battle

Start from the beginning

"Bright red hair, bright red eyes, slimy as a snake... you can't miss her," Alice sneered, showing her teeth unconsciously. There was no small amount of hate in her glare.

"Got it," Jackson smirked, cracking his knuckles. Malia mirrored his actions where she stood beside Lydia and Kira.

Jackson stood closely beside me, shifting closer with the mention of a particularly dangerous vampire being involved. Paul was standing protectively on my other side, ears twitching as he listened for any sign of the army. Jackson was wound up with the anticipation of battle, but I knew him well enough to know he was also hyperaware of me and my safety. He would die before he let anyone touch me, something I knew and loved him for- as I would for him. Liam stood on Jackson's other side, as close to me as he could get- while still being near Scott. I knew he felt the need to protect me, but not quite as strongly as Jackson did. I sensed that he saw me as not only an alpha, but also a pack mom of sorts. I'd always had a soft spot for the pup, and that had resulted in a minor paternal instinct.

"Are you ready for this?" Jackson asked me quietly. I grinned sidelong at him, and noticing Liam's eyes on me, grinned at him in turn.

"We've faced worse pups," I reassured them. "I'll be fine."

"That's what you said when we took on that gryphon hybrid," Jackson snorted. Only our pack could detect the note of worry hidden beneath his words.

"Pfft- I recovered," I waved him off with my trusty, enchanted baseball bat as my eyes were drawn to the tree line again.

As soon as Paul had called, I'd immediately went to Deaton- who knew a spell, that could enchant a weapon that was able to harm vampires. Though he'd been quite surprised at the fact that vampires were apparently so common. The spell worked in a strange way, something about channeling the powers of the wolves. I had never heard of it before; but we all trusted Deaton. He wouldn't vouch for the accuracy of the spell if it meant putting one of their lives at risk, especially one of our human lives. I had, however, wondered why we hadn't bothered to use such a spell before. Given that we'd faced loads of threats where a wolfy baseball bat would have come in very handy indeed.

"After 4 months," Liam grumbled under his breath. I frowned over at him, knowing he was only working the pack- and my mate- up into a state of worry with his words.

"Hey- relax. We've got each others backs," Scott smiled small, clapping Liam on the shoulder from where he stood holding Isaac's hand. "Remember the ghost riders? Stiles is right- this will be child's play."

"Eyes on the prizes boys," Lydia ordered, her slim form standing in a ready stance and her bright red hair braided tightly against her skull.

Paul twitched beside me, a small whine escaping his throat. I knew it was because of what Jackson and Liam had said. I could feel his warm brown eyes on me and did my best to reassure him with a look. I stuck my hand into his soft fur, scratching lightly in the hopes that I could get him to let it go and focus. He didn't need his mind anywhere but here.

Edward's head very suddenly snapped to the north west, and I knew it meant he heard something no one else, not even the other supernaturals could hear.

"Edward?" Rosalie murmured, noticing his body stiffen.

"They're coming," He answered ominously, unconsciously reaching for Jake's fur as reassurance.

"Edward, you're not alone," Esme reminded her mind-reading son out loud. As if she knew he was experiencing something particularly difficult.

Jasper made use of his gifts now, as all at once, he made everyone feel determination, focus and confidence. We could do this- together. As family and extended family, as a single unit. As a pack, if you will. The emotions felt right, tangible and very much shared within the group. It was a very useful talent, as it turned out.

"Thirty seconds," Alice announced in her shrill voice.

I didn't need to look to know stances were being taken and muscles were being flexed. All eyes were straining to see our adversaries, ears focused for the first sign of their advance. The vampires stood stock still, the Hale-McCall pack bounced on the balls of their feet- ready for action. The Quileute pack stood motionless, the only movement the rising and falling of their ribcages.

"Let them come to you," Jasper reminded everyone. "Let them think they have the upper hand."

"Ten seconds," Alice counted down again.

Nervous energy hummed beneath my skin, my hand unconsciously swinging my bat back and forth to release some of the energy.

"Now," Jackson murmured beside me, and I knew he was relaying the message purely for my benefit.

A second later the horde broke the tree line.

The newborn army was made up of all manner of vampires. Tall, short, stocky, slim, young, and old... which I hadn't expected. I'd been picturing soldiers in my mind. Tall, muscly sorts that walked with straight backs and an air of training like Jasper. That very much wasn't the case. Some of these vampires just looked like your average joe... besides being unnaturally beautiful.

They didn't even pause, barrelling forward as every pair of red eyes focused on the russet wolf standing next to Edward.

500 meters. The closer they got, the more restless our side grew.

"Easy," Jasper muttered in warning.

I was nearly jumping up and down now, my nervous energy spilling over as I swung my baseball bat at my side.

"Easy," Jasper said again.

150 meters. Jackson shifted closer still.

100 meters. We held our breath for a moment.

"Now," Jasper shouted, as if that was necessary.

We sprang into action just as the newborns reached the 50 meter mark. The growls, shouts and banshee screams could probably be heard for miles... thank goodness we were many miles from civilization. The two sides clashed, with Emmett, Sam and Edward at the head. The sound was deafening- it hurt my ears.

I made it to my first vamp after the others- human speed slowing me down and all that. She was- or looked- young, with long blonde hair and red eyes. She set her gaze on me, showing her teeth and vaulting towards me. I smirked crookedly, swinging my bat casually in a show of boredom. I anticipated her speed, but remembered Jaspers instructions. Adrenaline rushed through my veins as I sidestepped her and swung for her head at the same time. I prayed Deaton's spell would work, just in case it was similar to the mountain ash, even though he never insinuated that it was. I had learned that intent was a powerful tool. Both of my hands held the bat, putting the force of my biceps behind the enchanted weapon as it landed against her skull. It seemed to do the trick, because her head was vacated from her body with the high pitched squeal of rock scraping rock.

"Huh," I looked between the beheaded vampire and my beloved bat, "I'll have to make use of that one more often."

A particularly loud, particularly ferocious roar broke through the melee, and I spun around to see an enraged Edward desperately searching the battlefield. I too looked for Jake, knowing that his mate in danger could be the only thing that would produce such a sound, but lost sight of them both as I felt a presence behind me. Spinning around with my bat at the ready turned out to be entirely unnecessary as a streak of grey came between the approaching vampire and myself.


And Jackson, I realized, as I watched my pack mate removed the male vampires arms before Paul's teeth closed over the vampires neck and ripped his head from his body.

"I had that one!" I called, a slight pout in my tone as I rested the bat on my shoulder with one hand on my hip.

The wolf spit the vampires head out of his mouth, rolling his eyes at the exact moment that Jackson did the same. It was both hilarious and mildly irritating.

I recognized Edward's roar once more, and my heart sank as agonized howls filled the air.


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