Chapter One

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"He's really here?"
"I thought he wasn't coming?"
"Well, clearly he changed his mind."
"And he's not alone!"
"He brought a friend with him!"

The chatter around them set the tone. The ladies of their dancing troupe were all a-flutter, trying to catch glimpses of the two lords who had entered the big tent used for gatherings and performances. Tonight was supposed to have been just a normal performance, nothing spectacular or special. In fact, it was mostly just a gathering of troupes at this particular oasis. Something they've always done every year.

Word had spread that a few troupes, including their own, had invited several dignitaries to watch, and enjoy. Most had offered kind refusals, but two hadn't really answered at all. It was assumed that they weren't coming. But now... well, guess it couldn't be helped.

"Alright, alright, enough!" Kiyoko said loudly, over the chatter. "Since they've come after all, we'll need to change our routine."
"But Kiyoko-san! We've already dressed for the usual one, and we don't have time to change!" Runa exclaimed. She was the youngest dancer, new, and also apparently, the biggest worrier.
"It's fine," she assured gently. "All our routines are able to be done in whatever costume we're wearing."
"You act as if it's no big deal," Hana said sardonically.
"I disagree. I know it's a big deal. However, they can't expect us to change on a whim, like their arrival."
"So, which routine will you have us do, Kiyoko-san?" Hitoka asked, glancing over at the two who sat silently. "And will you include them?" she pointed in their direction.

Kiyoko's gray-eyed gaze fell on them, as did everyone else's. She scrutinized their appearances; one was shorter, had dark hair that curled at the ends, and a sultry blue-green gaze that reminded one about stories of the ocean. The other was taller, had blond hair like moonlight, and golden eyes that spoke volumes.

She hadn't considered using them in any of their performances. When they came to the troupe, she'd been the one to assess their talent, and if she were honest, they were good. Really good. Enough that they could easily be rivals for her best dancers; Koari and Mai. Kiyoko would even go so far as to say they'd easily be rivals for her own talents.

Still, they didn't exactly put themselves forward, desired nothing more than to just help the ladies out and be content with staying behind. There might be more to their story, but they spoke little, even as they joined in conversation with the others. It wasn't like they kept to themselves, although they were rarely apart.

"I've changed my mind," Kiyoko suddenly declared, a cunning little smile on her face. "I'll go see if they can rearrange our schedule and put us last. That will give us time to get ready, and I'll find out who our visitors really are."

She got up to do just that, but was stopped by a small hand on her wrist. Turning, she looked down at the one who stopped her. Slate-green eyes clashed with gray.

"What are you planning, Kiyoko-san?" Eri asked quietly.
"Why do you ask, Eri-chan?" she asked in return, twisting her wrist out of the other's grip.
"I don't think it's fair if you include them. They'd easily outshine all of us, and you know it."
"If you include them, it'll reduce our chances to find partners!" Eri hissed. "Especially if you think to showcase them."
"Are you truly that desperate to leave us, Eri?"
Eri shrugged. "I'm the next eldest, after you. I have to think of my future, too."
Kiyoko sighed. "Mako and Yukie were lucky to capture the emir's interest so quickly, and you know it. I know you miss your best friends, but..."
"It's not that," Eri conceded. She paused, gathering her thoughts, and then continued. "Fine. Maybe if they go out, and the visitors want to keep them, then we'll have better luck once they're gone."
"Honestly, one would think you hated them, the way you talk."
"I don't. But..."
"But what?"
"We both know they are far more talented dancers than all of us, and let's face it, they are more beautiful. They've never asked to go out, even if they do know all our routines. Why now?"
Kiyoko shrugged. "Maybe I think they deserve a chance to shine," she said quietly. "They love to dance; you've seen their faces when they dance with us during rehearsals. Maybe they are just... shy about actually performing in front of others." Kiyoko smiled a little at her friend. "And maybe I've also thought the same as you," he said as she left their tent.

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