And he was a lot tired after all those nightmares.

On the way to the site, he would often obtain curious looks by some Monsters: it was true that he was the Royal Scientist, but there was still a lot of mystery around him.

And generally, he looked scary.

And you were the only one that didn't find him scary: another reason for him to fall in love with you.

Even his subordinates now didn't know how to treat him: when he was with you he was a lot more cheerful and he would often joke with them, but when your "accident" happened Gaster became again the scientist he was in the past.

But of course, you shattered across time and space, so no one except him remembered you. Hence his subordinates didn't know why he was so cheerful with them.

They weren't scared, but rather...confused.

The lab's door opened, revealing Gaster's figure entering the lab. He directed towards the bathroom door, which in reality didn't conduct to the bathroom but was an elevator that could go to his True Lab.

He was just about to enter the elevator when he heard some voices whispering coming from the upper floor, where there was a little recreation room.

He silently got upstairs, and heard two of his subordinates' voices.

"What do you think we should do?"

"We should help him. I don't know, but he hasn't been the same ever since we fell here"

"Well, it should be understandable: we had everything up there" the second one said, pointing with his finger towards the ceiling of the lab.

"It's not about that, it's's almost like he has lost something really really important"

"Perhaps a lover?"

That hit deeply in Gaster's soul, and he rashly inhaled, making his scientists acknowledge his presence there.

"D-Doctor Gaster?! H-how much time did you spend there?"

"How...did you know...?" Gaster simply said, as he collected back his composure.

The two monsters looked at each other, and then nodded with a sad gaze.

"Doctor...we are seriously worried for you. Has something happened that you can't tell us?"

"Yeah, you can tell us...are you perhaps feeling alone?"

Gaster wanted to stop them. One more word and he would have broken up right there, right in that place.


But then something that he didn't expect happened. His scientists refused to hear him.

"We won't. We're tired of seeing your face like that, at least, please, return to be that scary scientist you once were. We feel like the answer you're searching for is inside your very soul. You just need to search it"

For the first time ever since coming down in the underground, Gaster's eyes fully opened in surprise.

They were both right: the answer for his problem was right in his soul.

Darkness' Eternal Bride (Gaster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now