Chapter 12

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Tw-Self harm/ suicide

Sirius nerves were heightening and then the morning came. He met with Mc'gonagall and they road there broom to the ministry. The hallways echoed as they walked towards the courtroom. When they got in there he was seated near the front and soon after realised some familiar faces next to where McGonagall had been seated. The potters. He was on a row by himself. Only about ten minutes later was his mother escorted it and placed in the chair that cuffed her she shot glares his way but he did not look to her but looked at a man named Barty crouch who was the judge for the trial.

He read out the crimes she was accused of which she pledged not guilty to. Then he heard his name "Master Sirius Black please may you stand and say your testimony" he asked. He did as said standing and began. "At the start of the Christmas holidays my mother invited me home and she was sick so I felt it would be right to go and see her, from the moment I arrived I had many injuries inflicted on me, she hit me with her cane and used the cruitatus curse, I only finnaly left when she used a spell that I can not remember the name of and went to the Potters home, she herself came for me a few days later and infront of my freinds and Mrs Potter used the Cruitatus curse again" Sirius said and then sat. "Mrs Euphemia Potter please may you submit your testimony" Barty asked and Sirius turned to see her rise and say "Sirius was first casted out by hard so we took her in and when he returned to us after at Christmas he landed on our doorstep bearly alive, we had St Mungo staff come and quickly save him, she came to my door when he was out with his freinds and they returned while she was still there arguing I told her to leave and she used the curse before apparating away" she said and sat down.

A ministry member then spoke up "Apart from the one time witness to this, what is not to say these wounds weren't self inflicted?" The women asked staring Sirius down. "What?" Was the only thing Sirius could muster out. "Well it's quite common in a case like yours for someone to result in a more muggle approach, harming yourself" she said. "A suicide...." Sirius trailed off. "I know that in fact you have been prone to coming close ending your life, I have a file on many of those times" she said. It was true, there was the owlery with his brother, running away to fight to the death with yet again his brother, and there was that one night at the astronomy tower, Peter, Peter had saved him but they did not know about that.

"I think veritaserum will solve this" Crouch said and guestered to a guard who forced Walburga to drink a vial. "Did you injure your son?" He asked. "Yes" she spat back. "All of the injuries spoken off" he asked. "Yes" she repeated. "I feel the truth is said" he said turning to shoot a little glare at the lady. "Take her away" he said. Sirius watched as she was dragged up and cuffed wands pointed at her, nothing left for her to do, he was wrong. She grabbed a wand that was pointed at her from a officer. This felt like deja-vu for Sirius a almost identical thing had happened with father. He felt it coming the words Crucio would come out her mouth but he was wrong the words she yelled out in seconds after grabbing the wand was "Avada kedabra".

He felt himself being flung far back before shock could fill him and then it fell black.

Was he dead. No.
She was stopped and taken away.

In the split second this had happened McGonagall had whipped out her wand and when the spell was cast she casted her own that flung Sirius back as far as possible, he did hit the back wall and fell about a metre out cold but he had saved him. She sighed in both relief and shock.

Sirius awoke and looked up squinting "Knew I was going to hell" he mumbled looking at the fire but then realised it was a candle. He sat up and realised he was in the hospital wing, it was late night. He saw a piece of paper beside his bed and read it.

Dear Sirius,
You were knocked out after hitting a wall after I flung you back with a spell, sorry about that but it kept you alive. I brought you back here with apparation and yes your broom is safe back in your dorm which I made sure with Madam Pompfrey that you are able to go back to as soon as you wish which I guess would be soon. Just rest there as much as possible. She was stopped and is now in askaban.
If you ever need to talk I am here.

He grinned a bit at the ending and then got up and began to walk back to the dorms. He read on his watch that it was fifteen minutes till two am. He was quiet as possible hoping not to run into Filch and having to explain. He walked to the common room and almost went up but then he realised Remus. It was just him and he was half asleep. He was looking into the fire his head drooping down and then jolting back up when he tried to stay awake. "Hey let's get you to bed" Sirius chuckled. "Hmm- Sirius!" He baciacly yelled seeming to fill with more energy. "McGonagall told us I was so worried, are you ok, is your head ok?" He said pulling Remus onto the armchair he sat in. "I'm fine Moony, really I think you need sleep" he chuckled. "Or we could just stay here" Remus said wrapping his arms around the smaller boy and hugging him close. "Fine but if you fall asleep I'm carrying you up" Sirius replied. "Hmm totally" Remus smiled as he closed his eyes and let Sirius hide his head in the crook of his neck and soon Sirius did do what he said he would.

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