Chapter 5

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Sirius reached his breaking point when dinner came round the next day, throughout the day he had cane to the stomach and once again the  head and a black eye, Mrs Black had brought up Remus and under her breathe he had said "That creature is no boy just a disgusting little fag that should be in askaban" she sneered. Sirius' had stood up "How dare you, you bitch!" he yelled and before he could process what he had done he had been struck by the cane this one the worst in the face with blood seeping from the side of his face and mouth.

"No how dare you" she spat back before uttering the cruitatus curse not once but five times onto her son. He was bearly conscious but finnaly he heard her say "The boy Serverus taught me this one" she spoke and then the words "Sectumsempra" was all he could hear before he saw his stomach open and blood pore out and there he was unconscious, surely dead.

He re-awoke. A nearby window showed him it was past midnight. He was in so much pain it felt unbearable but also numb. Then he heard next to him "Keep him alive master says, can't kill the boy master says" Kreatcher muttered as he held some cloth to his wounds Sirius pulled myself up with the table. He clung the cloth to his wounds but it did not help. He struggled up the stairs until he was by all his stuff so he held onto it all and in seconds apparated.

He hit the ground with a bang and his legs buckled beneath him and he fell infront of the potters doorstep. It had been so much commotion he was surprised the whole street hadn't awoken. About 30 seconds past and a familiar two faces appeared to men then followed by a women. He wanted to smile but couldn't closing his eyes.

James had horror hit his eyes. His father picked up his friends and brought him inside onto the couch. "Go to St mungos get staff" Euphemia Potter ordered to her husband as she went to the boy who may as well be one of her son's. Fleamont went straight to the fire place and through the flew network. "James grabbed that blanket" she ordered so her son did as told his eyes not leaving Sirius as his mother placed the blanket on the wounds to stop the bleeding.

In a matter of minutes the house was swarmed with St mungo nurses and doctors. "You don't need to see this son, grab his stuff bring it to his room" Fleamont had ordered and for the first time James teared him eyes away from his friend and went towards the door he grabbed the cage where Otter was quite annoyed by the noise and his luggage, James carried it all to his friends room and then went to his. He couldn't stand there and watch, he just couldn't.

Sirius awoke. He was in his room, his room at the Potters. He felt like a ice sheet had been placed on his forever preserving him there. He was unaware of the time or day but aware that he was alive. Before he could fully get the gist of what was happening someone walked in. "Your awake, MUM,DAD HE'S AWAKE" James yelled as he ran to the chair beside the bed. "You ok? you've been out for ages? What happened? " James thundered with questions. "My boy are you ok" Euphemia said coming beside Sirius and checking his temperature with her hand he nodded. "I'm ok" he replied back. "They did the best they could, no spell they've seen has done what happened to you" Fleamont mentioned which gave him a elbow from his wife which Sirius laughed at. "Thank you, so much" he said. "This feels like a Christmas miracle" James chirped. "It's Christmas I was out for three days!" Sirius almost yelled which made them all chuckle.

They opened presents in his room and  Sirius got a red and gold knitted jumper from Euphemia and a watch from Fleamont, James had got him another quidditch book 3rd year in a row, Peter had sent sweets, Lily had sent study books and Remus had sent Queen and ABBA posters.

The day went by fast and Sirius felt so full after dinner, which he said he would have downstairs with them getting up and down with the help of James, that he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

James was up early the next morning at 9am Peter and Remus would arrive. He had just finished putting down his bowl when the bell rang. He went to the door. "Hey guys, Sirius' is upstairs he's asleep but-" he couldn't finish before the boys were past him and up to go and awaken the other boy.

James was darting after them he was fast at quidditch but running was not a strong sport for him he was wheezing while going up the stairs trying to call out.

Sirius' door was flung open and Peter began to sing well yell out the Hogwarts school song and Remus was getting prepared to scope up his boyfriend as soon as he awoke. "Wha" Sirius blurted out sitting up. Remus had him in a hug before even seeing Sirius' face. "I missed you, you should of-" he cut off as he began to pull away from the hug. The boy had two dark bruises on his face a bloody lip his hair unkept and his face pale. To add on he was shirtless but on his stomach was a large plaster patch.

James walked in wheezing "w-w-wait" he said. "Sirius, what happened" Remus spoke worry the only sound in his voice. "I- my mother wasn't the nicest" he spoke. "I was worse the other day, weren't I mate" he chuckled to James. "Mmmh" was all James could mutter. "They saved my life, I'm ok now moons" he said. But the words still hit him like a knife 'saved him', and what if they hadn't...

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