Chapter 4

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The day was boring Remus had triple potions and then history of magic while Peter had double herbology and then potions after two free hours. Sirius and James had Triple Transfiguration together and then James went to Potions with Peter and Sirius went to Charms. Sirius' leg hurt like hell but he did not limp yet strode around with more power in a way no care in the world, or so it seemed.

He finished lessons after charms and went to the lake dangling his legs in the summer heat still around. He pulled of his cloak and lay back looking up at the sky, this was a great way to start the year, fantastic.

Sirius' mood improved over the weeks and was fully back into energetic bouncing of the walls throwing dungbombs around Sirius. But then when the end of November came around and the trees had long ago lost there leaves and chill had set in he received another letter from his mother, this one was straightforward.

Dear Sirius,

I want you home for the holidays
From Walburga Black

He would of gladly said no before but now he had this tugging sense to see her. She was a horrible women but yet still his mother and she was ill, he may as well see her.

A few days passed and December jumped in and they were eating lunch when James chirped "Hey Sirius you know Peter and Remus are gonna stay at hours from boxing day till end of term" he said his mouth half full with some bread. "Oh great, but I'm actually going to stay with Mrs Black" he replied not looking up. "Mrs Black, are you talking about your aunt Andromeda" James asked. Sirius shook his head "My, um mother wants to see me, she's sick" he told them. Remus could tell he was scared of the reactions so he took his boyfriends hand under the table.

"Are you sure it's a good idea?" James asked. "Not really, but I think I should see her" he told James. "Ok but anything goes bad you come straight back to ours ok" James said. "Yes Mum" Sirius' chuckled.

The train ride to the station was nerve racking eventhough Sirius had already been told that he would be picked up by a driver. When he got off the Hogwarts express he was met with the potters, Euphemia straight away shoved something into his hands it was a pot of cookies. "You stay safe and come back whenever you want and write to us, just so we know your safe, everyday" she said and she hugged him and Fleamont patter his back.

Sirius turned to find a man standing waiting for him obviously. He followed him and he was driven to the disgusting place he used to call home, Grimmuald Place.

He opened the door plopping his bags down ignoring the growls of the elderly house elf. He looked around and could not find him mother on the first floor, he was about to head up the stairs and then he heard a creak and in seconds he was up straight, his jaw clenched and it seemed like he was the most untidy thing here eventhough he looked the most clean. He turned to see his mother walking down the stairs here left hand holding the banister and her right clenching a new cane. Her face had lost its colour as if no blood had ever gone through it but her eyes were the same still peircing daggers into his skin. She walked the rest of the stairs until she was infront of her son a metre between them.

Out of nowhere her cane lifted from the grown and swung hitting him, he was flung back and his hand went to his face where he had been hit, he found blood on his hand. "Coffee now boy, black" she snapped. He was up in seconds to the kitchen and boiling the water over the fireplace. She had it done quick putting it down infront of her at the table. "Sit" she barked. He pulled the chair out and slipped into it. "So you seem to believe it is ok to turn to the Muggle ways and become a fag, no son of mine can stoop that low, not without punishment to knock you to your senses, don't you agree" she sneered. He nodded eyes not meeting hers. "Speak boy" she hissed. "Yes Ma'm" he spoke sharply. "Go to your room now and do not leave till dawn" she said and in seconds he was gone upstairs.

He found his luggage there and he slumped himself just under the windowsill he opened otters cage and let the bird fly around the room. He grabbed paper and ink and began to write.

Dear potters,

My mother is not of good health or of good attitude but I can not just leave her I will be back soon but can not bring myself to do so, so soon.


He stroked the owl and tied the letter to his leg and set him off. He went to his old bet dust covered. His face had stopped bleeding but it was painful.
He fell asleep feeling quite emotionless as he always did in this place.

The next day was worse. He had pried a bit to much over breakfast when he asked what was wrong with her she has slapped the back of his legs with the cane and his head before answering "It's not your job to ask, all that is to be known is nothing to you" she said. By lunch he had earned himself a scratch with a knife by his neck and a all to familiar freind, the cruitatus curse. The same memorable pain had gone through him and he felt sick to the stomach, little did he know was the third day would be the worse.

To add on he had not written to the potters which worried them but he was just to tired of everything.

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