Chapter 3

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Of course, of course this was happening that were the thoughts running through Sirius' head. He had been so scared by a nightmare that with the jolt that he awoke with he accidently turned into his animagus form and of course he was not calming down enough to change back. The now dog-boy let out a whine as I looked at his discarded clothes. He needed to learn how to turn with them on. But now there had to be one focus, to calm himself. And he knew one thing that calmed him the most, Moony.

He began to almost gallop down the dorm steps and into the common room pushing over some 1st years as he rushed in his dog form down the portrait hole steps. It was like he knew where Remus' was, he could smell the werewolf's scent of chocolate and old books pulsing towards him. Onto the grounds he ran and there on a feild only about 100 metres from the forbidden forest they were. Remus looking at the blue sky, beside him was James. And also Lily and Peter laughing at something inside a book. When Sirius was not to far from them he jumped landing in the middle of them and licking moonys face. "The- ah Sirius, what are you doing you were sleeping" Moony groaned. He was being hyper, the adrenaline from fear still taking over him so he curled up and lay on Remus' lap resting his head on Remus' knee till he calmed enough.

He was about to go back inside and turn back and change and then return until someone showed up behind them. "Is that a dog Mr Lupin you know there not allowed" said the voice of Professor Grubby Planks. In seconds Sirius was up and he bolted in the first direction he saw, the forest.

"Um he's not mine he just showed up and sat here" Remus said and the others tried to hide there chuckles. The Professor gave one more glance around giving James and Remus a glare and then was about walk away but turned back round, it's getting late the grounds are closed now inside freshen up for dinner she almost growled and group sighed throwing there bags over there shoulders and retreating back to the castle.

Sirius did not return, at any point they could they tried to sneak to the grounds but inconviently they would run into McGonagall or Grubbyplanks each try. So they had to wait until dinner was over and everyone retreated to the common rooms to get the cloak. Peter noticed Sirius' clothes were still on his bed so picked them up. Now over year the group had grown in both age and size so Lily, James, Remus and Peter had to crouch down and huddle together under the cloak. They went to the forest nearly bashing into filch on the way but when they had gotten just to the outskirts of the forest they flipped the cloak of and began looking. "Sirius!" Lily yelled and James repeated her action with a more opera like voice.

They began to space out but not to far that they couldn't here the others yelled. Then they heard Peter yell "Siri- Found him". They came over and found Peter with Sirius in his dog form wiping the dirt on him onto Peters trousers. "Enough fun Sirius time to change back"  Remus chuckled. Sirius yanked his clothes with his mouth out of Peter arms and then barked at Lily. "Someone's shy, we'll start heading back to the castle" James grinned and he, Lily and Peter began to walk back through the forest.

In a few seconds after they left Sirius turned back grinning. Eventhough a grin hung on his face Remus couldn't help but notice that not only dirt was on Sirius but blood. "Crap are you ok" he said worry rushing to his voice. Sirius chuckled "I'm fine Moony I just think I lost a fight with a threstral, or myself" Sirius said as he began to put his clothes on. "Your leg litrealy had bite marks in it, I'm hoping its a threstral" Remus replied then he went on to say "Why were you even in your animagus form?" He asked. "It's stupid" Sirius said as he pulled on his shirt and began trying his jumper around his waist. "Come on Pads" Remus urged and finally Sirius gave in.

"I had a nightmare got scared awake turned into this form and couldn't calm down to turn back until I was with you but then grubby planks came so I bolted" he explained and only met Remus eyes after he finished. Remus came and hugged him, "You want to talk about what it was?" He asked and Sirius shook his head. "Not now" He replied so Remus took his hand and they began to walk out until Remus realised Sirius was limping. "Hey Moony, what are you..." He trailed off as Remus had scooped him into his arms and began to carry his bridal style. "Now I could get used to this" he smiled to the werewolf.

When they reached the outskirts Sirius was forced to walk under the cloak each step as painful as the next but finnaly they made it to the empty common room were they threw of the cloak and began to sit down. "If it is not obvious I need a shower, I'll be back" he said to them saluting as he went.

He returned back down in shorts and a new shirt and had seemed to ruffly bandaged his leg but the bandage looked to tight but also to lose at the same time. They talked about how stupid the day was and how boring tommorow would be, and soon they all began to retreat to bed one by one until only Sirius and Remus remained. "You look shattered Sirius do you want to head up?" Remus asked. Sirius looked like he was going to shake his head but then nodded. The two boys went up and got into there beds but Remus found a few minutes later to have Sirius slip into his bed next to his and cuddle close hiding his head in the crook of Remus' neck and soon fell asleep.

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