Chapter 8

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The next few days were as enjoyable as they could be and then they were going back to Hogwarts. The Potters did try to convince Sirius to stay and rest a bit longer but he dissagreed saying that if he missed any more work he may actually fail.

Mrs Potter wrote ahead to McGonagall about Sirius condition just so they knew so at least Sirius didn't have to re tell the event. Sirius' mother had been arrested but the trial would not be as soon as hoped Sirius was going to receive a letter soon enough for it and the whole thing just boiled him with fear.

The train ride there was ok. Lily who had been informed by James off Sirius' condition was horrified by this happening and showed care to Sirius. Remus had noticed something, a slight change to Sirius' attitude he seemed a bit more, there was no real words to describe it more like less Sirius and a bit more like, well Regulus he seemed to out of nowhere started to act like him a bit, many eyerolls, looking rather irrarated from time to time but also he has snapped at them three times in the the last two days. He just hoped it would go away soon.

When they arrived at the platform Sirius limped with them to the carriage. There was pain, just walking his stomach seared and his legs hurt from the hit. When they sat in the carriage he let out a sigh of relief and leant his head back. When they got to the hall they were wished a happy new year and then they are the feast. Sirius didn't eat and Remus noticed this. He just stabbed at a sausage again and again until it was almost completely deformed. When the feast was almost at its end and Sirius still hadn't touched any food someone came over "Sirius I would like a word if that's ok" McGonagall said. "Yes Professor" he said slipping out his seat and following her out. "Did he just call her professor?" James asked gobsmacked. He hadn't called her that since first year, she was Minnie to him.

"Now Sirius', due to the condition your in your going to have a weekly check up with Madam Pompfrey, until she agrees you are of good health there will be no quidditch for you, and if you feel to much pain or just anything bad go to her" she said. Sirius nodded in reply. "You are alright now, aren't you?" She asked her voice only portraid concern for the boy infront of her. He once again nodded and as students began to flow out the Great hall he followed after them blending into the crowd.

Sirius felt angry, there was no reason for this he just was. It was like he wanted to break something. He was first to the common room out of all Gryffindor's but he went straight to the dorms. On the outside of the bedroom was a balcony. Technically they weren't allowed on there but none of them ever cared. Sirius grabbed a pack of his cigarettes, he hadn't smoked in months he only did when he was angry or sad. He went to the balcony which was so broken apart that if he chose to lean over to have a peak of below it was likely he would fall. It was small, getting two people to sit on here would be a mission, a mission they had once accomplished.

He pulled out one of his cigarettes and lit it with his wand. He breathed it in feeling it in his lungs and then puffed it out. He leant his head back against a piece of stone and looked up at the star filled sky. Why was he feeling like this, why was this feeling right. It felt right but why, why in the hell was his mind telling him to ditch all his friends, to tell them to piss off and then do something stupid and crazy, shy was it telling him to break up with Remus. And why was he going to?

The next morning Remus was more and more scared for Sirius, he didn't do his usual thing and snuggle next to him but stayed in his own bed drawing the curtains around him and now once again he sat in silence not eating. Remus nudged Sirius' leg gently under the table which made the shorter boy look up, he looked annoyed. It was just the two of them the others were still asleep. "Are you ok?" Remus asked. Sirius looked deep into Remus eyes for a few seconds and no hint of fear or sadness hit his face when he said "Let's break up". It hit Remus like a brick and he saw no regret on the other boy's face and with that Sirius stood up and walked out.

It was Saturday and after awhile of the rest of the mauraders, plus Lily looking for the two other boy's they agreed that they were probaly snogging in a classroom. They were wrong. Sirius had gone to the dorm and was using his wand to move his bed further away from the other three's. He did this with a cigarette in his mouth and no remorse on his face. He did not regret this.

Remus was by the lake, hidden behind there favourite tree so the only way anyone could see him is if they came straight over he was sobbing confusion, sadness and just hurt had warped over him seeming like they would permanently stay with him. It was ok just a few days ago, what had he done to screw it all up. Or maybe he hadn't done anything, maybe Sirius realised what a real monster Remus really was. Just all this in his mind and the looming night of the full moon coming closer made him feel weak as if he could bearly stand, bearly stand himself, a monster.

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