It wasn't Monika's responsibility to take care of me, or play therapist and life coach, but I knew I would be lying if I said Monika didn't serve as some sort of backbone to me. It went beyond just respecting her as an employer, I genuinely valued Monika's stature and her word. Even when her words made her fall silent in the deep thorough of thoughts.

A soft rhythmic chime suddenly filled the room, earning a curse from Monika. She reaches for the source of the delicate playing melody, to the smartphone laying on her desk.

"Shit, I need to go pick someone up," she says as she stands from her seat. "I know we're a little short staffed today, especially with Hannah calling out. but we're going to have last minute help for the day."

"Last minute Help?" My brow arched. This is news to me. It wasn't like Monika to hire a person rapidly.

"Yes, from the person I'm picking up, my nephew to be specific."

"Oh," I blink at the information. Specifically the first part Monika just revealed to her. "I didn't know you had family here in America."

Not that I would have known. Monika wasn't really the type to divulge info unless the moment called for it. Although even then I found she could still reveal nothing even while saying everything.

In the time that I worked at the floral shop I couldn't really recall my boss even mentioning she had anyone in her life...aside from Jenny. however if I thought back at it, she she didn't need to tell me. I knew right from when I met the two, that there was something a lot deeper than the usual business partner relationship. but even that, I felt she was selective about who she told it. Which was fine.

Still, I would have been lying if I said I wasn't curious about my enigmatic boss's personal life.

For that I didn't expect Monika to react to my statement. But Monika surprised me with a response.

"I'm surprised you didn't know about him. His picture is the only one i have in my office." she replied, nodding toward the picture frame hiding behind a stack of papers atop her desk.

As if I'm ever in here.

Venturing through Monika's office wasn't a common occurrence. This moment actually of me standing in her doorway was probably the longest I've ever stayed within vicinity. While Monika never explicitly said she didn't like anyone in her office, I did my best to stay afar until I was given passage. 

But in the past I had noticed the picture frame on her desk the few times I had visited her office.  But I never got a proper look at who was in the frame.

"And Brielle don't think I've forgotten about our conversation.'' Monika shot me a look as she take her jacket off the backseat of her chair. She slides it over her slender shoulders, "You're more than welcomed to work until you give birth but then you will take your maternity leave and get what rest you can in being a full-time mother. Just because I'm going away for a bit does not mean i won't be checking in. so don't think i won't know if you try to sneak your way back into work."

I didn't argue with My boss as she hurriedly slid past me through the doorway.

Monnika's word is usually final...wouldn't be much use anyway.

Just as I'm about to turn to leave, I pause. My eyes falling at the corner picture frame hiding behind the stacks of papers on Monnika's desk.
I didn't particularly like the idea of trekking through her office for anything other than business. But I was curious about her family.

Monika didn't have any pictures in her office of anyone so it had to be someone dear to her if she had them on her desk.

One peek won't hurt would it?

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