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Later, everyone went home. Charlie had driven to his home in Arizona. Charlie put away his car keys and went inside after unlocking the door. He thought about all the events over the past few weeks or so. For Charlie, it felt like months since his first encounter with GlitchTrap possessing Lewis. Since then, he met Jason and Ray of Steel Wool Studios, and a scientist named Han Seo-Joon. But now, Charlie could rest easy knowing that one of his best friends was no longer under the control of a powerful entity. But a thought stirred in Charlie's mind as he walked to his gaming studio. Did he really defeat GlitchTrap by deleting him after removing him from Lewis's soul? The thought became bigger the more Charlie became aware of it.

What if GlitchTrap transferred from Lewis to Charlie? No one would notice, would they? Charlie shook his head, shaking away the thoughts that were clouding his brain. He sat in his gaming studio and turned on his computer. Charlie decided to call Lewis while he watched some videos on YouTube. Charlie waits for Lewis to pick up. After a few minutes, Lewis picked up. "Hey Charlie! How's everything?" Lewis asked. "I'm good! Are you feeling okay? I know it's been a few hours, but I'd just thought I'd ask," Charlie replied, turning down the volume on the computer.

"Well, I'm on the plane right now to my home in the UK. As for GlitchTrap... It does feel weird to not be possessed by GlitchTrap. I'm probably going to need a few weeks to recover." Lewis scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, me too. I need time to process all of this," Charlie said, quietly. Lewis sighed. "I'm glad we got rid of GlitchTrap before he could take over the world." " We would have been doomed if we didn't do something sooner!" "I would have lost my mind!" They talked for a little while, then Lewis hung up. Charlie sighed happily. He can finally sleep at night, knowing that Lewis was okay.

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