Chapter 12

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A few weeks pass by. Lewis had gotten to know the scientist very well, and so did the others. Jason shared the location of the antique shop with the others. Seo-Joon had brought in a construction team to help. At the antique shop, everyone was gathered. "Okay, everyone... This is where we will build the Virus Disconnector." Seo-Joon Han took out the blueprints for the machine and instructed his team to build it. As the team built the Virus Disconnector, the group discussed what could happen with Lewis if the process goes well. Lewis was nervous. Could he be freed from GlitchTrap's wrath? It worked last time, but it's been years since Steel Wool had used this machine.

Lewis fidgets with his hands. Scott looks over. "Hey, Lewis... Are you okay?" Scott asked. "I'm nervous, Scott... What if it doesn't work? I'll be stuck like this... Forever. To lose my mind... To become a shell of who I used to be..." Lewis whispered. Charlie moves closer. "Lewis, look at me," Charlie said. Lewis looked up at Charlie, Scott, Will Ryan, DHeusta, Euria, and Jack. "This is going to work. You've been tormented for far too long," Will stated. "We believe in you, Lewis. You've got this." Lewis smiled. "Alright, the Virus Disconnector has been built. Shall we begin?" Seo-Joon asked. "Of course. Lewis?" Jason reached his hand out to Lewis. Lewis hesitates for a few seconds. 

He's worried. Does he really want to do this? He pushed away his fear and took Jason's hand. They walked over to the machine. Lewis was put into a chamber of the machine. Seo-Joon switched the machine on and prepared for the extraction of GlitchTrap. The tension in the room became heavy as the machine whirred to life. Charlie gulped. Everyone was nervous. Suddnley, a purple glitchy aura started to make Lewis glow. Everyone watched as the purple aura became stronger. Lewis put his hands onto the glass of the chamber. He was scared, and panicked internally. Neon purple cracks appear on his face, starting from the eyes. "Help... Me..." Lewis whispered." 

Seo-Joon put more power into the system. Lewis's hair and clothes flowed as if a gust of wind had flown by. His eyes glowed purple. Suddenly, some purple liquid began to seep out of Lewis. "It's working... It's working!!!" Scott cheered. Euria gasped. "Seo-Joon, you are a genius!!" Jason told. Lewis gave a soft smile. the purple liquid fills up the chamber, and then went through the tubing, to weaken the virus inside. Lewis turned his attention to the purple liquid. His body was returning to normal. He watched as the virus became weaker... Until it came into the computer, creating a file. "Okay... Now that the virus is weakened... It's up to one of you, to do the honors, and delete GlitchTrap, once and for all. He will be erased from this universe," Ray explained. 

"So.. Who wants to do it?" Jason looked around the room. The chamber was clear again. Lewis locked his eyes with Charlie. Charlie had also locked eyes with him. "I... I'll do it," Charlie stated. Lewis smiled at Charlie. He went up to the computer. Lewis watched with a smile on his face. He felt genuinely happy for the first time in a while. Lewis was about to be freed. Charlie moved the computer mouse over to the file named 'GlitchTrap.chr' and hit right click. He clicked DELETE. A pop-up appeared on the screen. "Would you like to erase GlitchTrap.chr?" It said. Charlie clicked YES. GlitchTrap was erased, and Lewis was let out of the chamber. Finally, Lewis was free from GlitchTrap and his wrath.

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