Chapter 4

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The flight attendant left. "Attention passengers, this is your pilot speaking. We have just arrived in Los Angeles, California. Please fasten your seatbelts, and get ready to disembark. We hope you have had a safe and fun journey flying with us. Have a fantastic day," The pilot announced. Charlie and his friends got up from their seats along with the other passengers and made sure they had everything. Then, they disembarked from the plane, into LAX. "We made it!" "Now we can pass out on the couch!" "Last one to Charlie's home is a rotten egg!!!" Marshall yelled excitedly as he bolted off to find his luggage. "Marshall!!! Get back here before I take out the babybel cheese!!!" Charlie yelled as he chased after him. "Wait for us, Charlie!!" 

The 6 of them got their luggage and raced to Charlie's home. When they got there, Marshall had been waiting for them at the steps. "What took you all so long?" Marshall teased. "Gosh darn it, Marshall!" Charlie laughed. He put in his house key and unlocked the door for the group to step inside. After unpacking the luggage, they decided to eat some food and take a nap. Waking up, Will noticed a notification from Steel Wool on his phone. "Hey Will! We hope you're doing okay. Lewis has been... unresponsive these last few hours and we're getting worried about him. Would you mind coming with your friends so that we could try to come up with a plan?" The message read. 

"Of course! Let me just wake up my friends and we'll be over there soon," Will texted as a reply. Charlie wakes up. "Oh, hey Will. What's up?" Charlie asked. "Steel Wool wants us to come over." "Shall we wake up the others?" Will and Charlie nodded at each other, then woke up the others in the most annoying way possible. "I'm up, I'm up!" "Damn it, Charlie!" Marshall whined. "Come on guys, let's go to Steel Wool!" "Race you there?" "No, we're taking my car," Charlie stated as he grabbed his keys. Marshall left since he only had come to LA so he could go home. Everyone else followed him to his car, and he drove off. They sang some songs along the way since they weren't recording.

"You think our fans are worried about us? Maybe... they're worried about Lewis." "We could tweet something about it." "I'll tweet about it, you guys can retweet it and reply," DHeusta told. As he went on Twitter, DHeusta noticed that lots of people were tweeting at Charlie, Will, Euria, Jack, and himself. They were really worried about Lewis. Even his friends like Mike (SuperHorrorBro), TetraBitGaming, John (FuhNaff), and DJSterf got worried too. "Hey everyone! I know we're all really worried about @/dawkosgames right now. We're diligently working on getting Lewis back on his feet, and being his positive self that you all know and love," DHeusta tweeted. 

As they arrived at Steel Wool's headquarters, Lewis had tweeted something. "Hey everyone! I know you've all been very worried about me, as per @/dheusta's tweet. I'm doing okay, and I'll be getting around to making videos again. Love you all!" Lewis tweeted. Charlie's eyes widened. "That sounds... sus." "Yeah..." "We need to do something... Now!" The group bolted out of the car and into the HQ as fast they could. "Jason Topolski and Ray McCaffrey, we're coming!" Will exclaimed as the group ran through the halls of the headquarters.

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