Chapter 2: Having really long skype calls

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You were sitting on Skype waiting for Dan to come online. He had just texted you asking if you wanted to skype and you answered with "YES!!"

You absolutely loved having long Skype calls with him. Sometimes you stayed up all night talking to him.

When the little bubble next to his name turned green, you instantly pressed the call button. It rang for a couple of seconds before he picked up.

"Hey!" You said excitedly

"Hi." He said laughing at your excitement.

You ended up talking until 5 am.

"Dan I have to go." You said

"Ok see ya." He said pressing the end button


You smiled as you pressed the call button on Skype. After awhile the person you were calling picked up. He was amazing. You laughed thinking about how cheesy that was.

"Hey, how are you?" You heard on the other side

"Hey Phil!" You said excited "I'm okay. You?"

"Yeah I'm good." He answered

You continued to talk until about 7am, you had literally stayed up all night! You had never done that talking to him.

"I have to go, Dan is calling me." He said sighing

You laughed an replied with "Okay, bye."

A/N: sorry Phil's is shorter than Dan's anyway I hope you enjoyed!!!

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