Hurt rayaan

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Di Rayaan comes towards his sister who is standing in the function having grumpy face

What do you want Rayaan

I wanna talk to you di.

I'm really not in mood to listen anyone. Already  shivaay is heading on my nerves.

It's  about him only di. It's urgent. Can you please come with me. Ridhima look behind and found her brother paled showing something is bothering him

You alright Rayaan

I wanna talk to you di.   Seeing seriousness his tone she nods and decided to go with him

Chalo. She kept hand on his back and went eith him

Now tell me what's wrong. She says entering in the room. As they entered he locked the door and look at her face  being sad.

Tell me what's wrong

Di you don't marry shivaay bhiya. He is not nice

What happened Rayaan why are you saying this.  She spoke softly holding his hand.

I'm saying for you di.  He is not in to you. I've seen him how he ignores you and treat you.  I don't think so he is the one who can keep you happy.

You are taking wrong Rayaan. You are just stressed that's it.

No di  I know that I've saw with my own eyes. 

What did you see.

I saw him with Annie. Di she is like a child and I think he is taking advantage of her. I don't know what's wrong with his head. Whenever I find him he is near her and  stay closer to her which he never did with you. 

What you are Trying to say reyaan. Will you come on the point.  She frowns looking at him curiously.

Di she is his cousin right and that  also far younger than him. It's like she his younger sister.  But the way he touch her hug her I feel like he has some another attention. Hearing her brother colour flew from her face and anger filled in her veins getting her teeth. . 

He is cheating on you di he is hurting you and Annie both.

He won't do that I know shivaay. She says trying to calm herself with this illusion.

He is  di. I've seen him.  Ridhima close her eyes shut and kept hand on her forehead rubbing it aggressively.  She is feeling hell angry on shivaay.  She knows that what's going under her nose and what he is doing. But she can't help herself. She is not able to stop  him to do anything. First she thought it will be easy to throw anika from his life but seems like it's getting impossible as he is going more and more closer to her day by day. She has to do something before water pass ahead of head.  She needs to stop all this whether she has to use her brother.  

I didn't want to tell you di but I couldn't control myself after seeing all those things.   I'm helpless di. He is not good for you. His eyes got teary telling her all that feeling bad for his sister who love that guy so much but in return she is getting  betrayal.

It's not shivaay's fault she says turning towards him making him confused

What do you mean di. He frowns.

I said right it's not shivaay's fault. It's all  that girls.

Why are you blaming Anika . I don't think so she has any fault in it.   He spoke In favour of anika  seeing his sister blaming her instead of her fiancé.

She has. Have you noticed since she has  came he have became changed.  He don't talk to me properly. Whenever I go near him he send me away. He is not into me anymore. And it's all happening because of Anika she is the one who always stick with him and filling his ears against me. Rayaan look at his sister and went in thoughts thinking all the past when shivaay was different than now.

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