His peace

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At night

All got disappeared after a joyful function. Whole family was so tired that without buzzing around they went in their rooms for taking rest. After all tomorrow as well haldi rasam going to happen so giving relaxation to their body is also needed but in all of them two  souls are restless and that is shivaay and anika. If one side shivaay is thinking about her then another side anika is worried with his sudden change of behaviour. Today he gave her back to back shocks. First of all he chopped her whole clothes in pieces then later he got her many clothes which she didn't even count.  She never thought that shivaay like person would care about her  or her dressing who never even accepted her as his wife till now but he did and infect he chose all clothes for her with his own hands. And after that he kissed her infront of Rayaan and his friends which was opposite of him. He never attempt to hug her once and today from no where he came and patched a tight kiss on her cheek which was totally unexpected. She don't know what's going on in his brain why he js behaving like this.  He never been behaved like that then why now.  Why he is showing right over her which he never felt before.  He always said that they gonna  get separate and they don't have future with each other then what happened now why he is showing unnecessary right on her which he shouldn't. She don't know what's going on in his brain but whatever it is. It's not good for her neither for  their future.  She look at her hand and got her eyes  moist seeing his name on her hand. She also want everything fine with him. She wants him to respect her as well but not like this. She don't wanna break someone's heart. No matter what he is breaking heart of ridhima as well.  She behave bad with her but maybe if she would had been on her place then she would had do same seeing her fiancé with someone else instead of her

Suddenly she got  alert when she felt someone entering in her room and closing the door. First she felt like to look behind or get up but then she dropped the idea and closed her eyes tightly clutching the   Duvet.

Anika ,,, hearing her name from his  mouth worried lines fed away from her forehead and she got little calm thinking she is in safe hands. But what he is doing here now at this time. Before he never comes then why today only. Suddenly shiver run through her body when he  slid inside the duvet with her and  wrapped his arm around her waist resting his face on her temple.

I don't know what's happening Annie. I'm not able to understand his tear wetted her cheek making her suppress her lips controlling her voice.

I'm not able to stay away from You.  As much as i try to make distance between us. I'm getting pulled towards your more. I can't see you going away from me.  I feel like to break that person face who try to show right over you whether  if it's your friends or someone else. I don't like it. It's hurts seeing you being closer to someone else instead of me. I want you everytime with me near my heart.  I'm not able to handle myself. It's getting hard day by day. Why it's happening Annie I never felt like this before infect I never felt like this for my mum. I was good kid sharing my mom with my cousins and sister but why with you I'm getting  very possessive. I want you whole for myself.  I don't want anyone even touch your hand.  It's  pounding my head Annie it's hurting me so much he sobs kissing her cheek making her close her eyes tightly she so wanna hug him and sooth him with small small kisses. She wanna tell him that she is there for him and she is his only but then she is stopping herself to thinking it's not right she can't show right on him or give him accesses to come near her as if she did then she will play with many lives which is not good for anyone.  Might it will be temporary feelings in him for her but later he will surely regret which she don't want.  These thoughts only stopped her and she remain in same posture in his arms without knowing she is the only one who can fix everything.  if she will be with him then everything will be fine and they will
Be happy for life time..

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