Fairy in blue

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In car

Anika is sobbing fidgeting with her fingers. She is feeling like to hold his hair and pull them so hard that he screams in pain she is so angry and frustrated over him she don't know but she is feeling like if something came in her hand then surely she gonna bang it in his head without showing a bit mercy on him and it's not that she is only thinking. She wanna do practically. Literally her eyes are wondering around to have something sold to hit in his stupid head which always remain hot and makes him Grumpy always

Why are you not saying anything. It's almost 20 minutes we are sitting here and you are the one who is not uttering a single word

I don't wanna talk to you she sniffles wiping her tears.

Girl fluttered going for shopping and look at you sitting here having red face

They don't do shopping being drag like an animal. They does whatever their heart say but me I'm being puppet of yours. You treat me like a crap and pull me wherever you feel like. She sobs looking at him angrily

You makes me do it Anika. I had asked you politely to come with me but no you didn't listen to me and had started behaving rudely that's why I had to behave with you like that.

I hate you. I hate you so much. She twist her lips like a baby making him chuckle.

That's good you hate me. I really don't want you to love me. He pulls her cheek making her shout in anger jerking his hand.

Ok my angry bird tell me what you wanna eat. Shall we go  Mac Donald's or you wanna go somewhere else.

I wanna go in hell. Will you take me there.

Sorry it's closed I can't take you there but I can take you some restaurant if you want.

I don't wanna go with you anywhere. I wanna go home. She sniffles clearly her vision with her sleeves.

Ok as you wish but I'm hungry and I'm really wanna eat something. He says parking the car near a restaurant

Sit here I'm getting. He ruffles her hair and went out from there not before locking the car so that she doesn't attempt to run away.

After some minutes

He comes back and take place besides her having boxes In his hand. God I'm starving. Saying this he kept one of it aside and another one he opened it to dig in that.

God this burger is looking heaven. He deliberately moan in delightful having bite of it. Anika look at him and gulp saliva feeling hungry

You wanna eat it. First she felt like to say yes but then her ego cAme in between and she turns her face away refusing to have it

Ok as your wish but I wanna eat it. Saying this he started munching moaning more loudly. Suddenly he stopped eating when he heard her stomach growling.

Seems like someone is really hungry. He says passing the box. First she look at him angrily having cute pout and then take the box immediately. Shivaay smile seeing her eating smearing all the sauce around her lips

Take this drink as well. She glares him and snatch the drink from him as well seeing her eating a relax smile appeared on his face and again got busy eating his food.

At home

Anika comes in room and set on the bed folding her arms resting her hand on her cheek. Shivaay enters there and kept the bags aside looking st her

Yaar for how many hours you will stay angry. Talk to me for god sake.

I don't wanna talk to you. Just leave me alone. She says laying on the bed back facing him. Seeing her still angry he goes towards her and set besides her keeping hand on her waist but she removed it and kept laying same like this.

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