Rids is here

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Anika's words lost in her mouth " when she saw an Unknown lady hugging his husband. A pinch of pain erupted in her heart making her feel speechless. She don't know but it's hurting her to seeing him with someone else. It's aching really bad. He had married her right ??then how come he is hugging someone else that also infront of his wife. Her mother always says "husband should hug only his wife not anyone else. then how come he is hugging this lady. How can he is just doing those stuffs with her instead of his wife. She is not liking it. She is hating the way she is clinging over him and expressing her love for him. Suddenly she gasp when his hand slipped out of her palm and Travel towards the lady's back stroking it. The way he is showing her his soft corner he didn't show her even for second. He is just shouting at her and expressing his hate for her from last night nothing else. She sniffs and look at her hand which is empty by now. and His hand is resting on the lady's back which was in her grip first.

Baby you don't know how much I missed you. I was counting days to meet you. She sobs on his chest clutching his lapel

Shiv. I missed you as well ridhima. Ridhima smile and peck his cheek keeping hand on his shoulder. Suddenly her eyes fell on the Anika " who is standing besides them looking at them without blinking her eyes.

Ri. Who who's she ??? she whispered looking at anika whose eyes are just tucking on his face

Shiv. She she is .... She stammers.

Ru. She is his wife our Bhabi. He spoke instantly before his brother deny to accept her as his wife and call her something else to avoid argue with this lady.

Ri.  Om got married. she gave smile to everyone having fear in her heart to thinking about shivaay's marriage with her

Ru. Not om but Shivay bhiya. He married her yesterday. And she is his wife. Anika shivaay singh obeori. He smirk

Ri. Whattttt ??? She baffled.

P. Can't you shut your mouth rudra. There wasn't needed to spill out like this. We could had talked about it in peace. Pinky says rolling her eyes annoyingly

Ru. Now there is nothing left to talk in peace choti maa   so better we accept it. He smile.

Ri. How can you do this shivaay. How dare you. Had you forgotten that  you had fiancé " who love you so much she shout pushing him away

Shiv. I was helpless rids and ...

Ri. You were helpless are you serious shivaay. When shivaay singh oberoi Became so helpless. You fuckin married another woman without telling me how can you do this to me . How can youuuu she screams hitting him on his chest looking at him angrily

Shiv. It was about malika she married her brother and for her happiness I married this girl. He said looking at anika who is just staring at him like a little child 👧 who is not allow to speak between elders.

Ri. What a baseless logic shivaay. This is not the valid reason to marry like this. You should had at least thought about me shivaay. how own earth you became selfish. She screams moving her hands in air.

Shiv. I'm not selfish rids. I did it for my sister. It's about her life. I can't see her being in problem. So It is valid as I didn't see any other thing to protect her.he answered trying to tell his point of view.

Ri. But you didn't need to marry her. You could had searched other ways mr oberoi. She screams in irritation not able to believe whatever he happening infront of.

Shiv. There was no other way expect this rids. Till she is with me my sister will be happy there. He won't harm her.

Ri. So that's mean you will keep her lifetime. She sneers having red eyes.

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