What did I do wrong

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Izuku flinched at his moms boyfriend shouting at him. He was clearly extreamely intoxicated, and Izuku could smell the almost overwhelming smell of alcohol coming from him and around the house.

He watched as his moms boyfriend walked over to him. He wanted to runso badly, but he knew that if he did, it would only be worse for him by a lot.

He was slightly distracted by these thoughts, that he wasnt prepared when he punched him right in the ribs. He punched so hard that Izuku stumbled back and groaned in pain from it. The only reason that he didnt fall to the ground, was because he was much stronger ever since the training with All Might. The only bad part, was after his moms boyfriend found out he finally had a quirk, anytime he tried to use it to defend himself, he would get hurt much worse. So only after one or two times of trying to use it, he gave up.

As Izuku was holding his chest he could see how his moms boyfriend was walking towards him a bit and getting his fist ready for another swing. He flinched out of instinct and took another big punch to the shoulder.  After this punch was when he fell to the ground. Against a normal person he probably would have been able to take more, but his moms boyfriends quirk made him extra strong. It was a very bacic quirk, but is was useful from his perspective.

After about 5 minutes of being punched really hard over and over again. His body was brused. The only reason why he didnt have any broken bones was because he was able to activate his quirk to make it so he wouldnt. The only reason why he didnt notice was because of how drunk he was.

All of this took place in the living room next to the bottom of the stairs across from the kitchen. Strangely his moms boyfriend just went to the fridge and got another beer. After that he just sat down in his armchair. Izuku felt like he didnt even exist anymore.

"You know, its your fault your mother killed herself. If you hadnt been quirkless and pethetic for all of your life then you wouldnt have caused everyones problems."

Izuku froze at hearing this coming from his moms boyfriend. He just layed on the ground in pain and shock.

"If you had never existed then your mom would still be alive, and we would be happy."

Izuku hearing this was still in shock. All of the things that he had been told started coming back to him.

"I might as well mention, that since shes dead, and you have no other family that cares about you. I am now your lagal guardian. Which also means that I am your fathet, so from now on, you do what I tell you to do, when I tell you to do it. YOU UNDERSTAND!"

"Y-yes.." izuku stuttered through the lump that was building in his throat, and the sudden adrenalin that was making him want to run so bad.


Izuku somehow was able to move using his quirk to give him enough strength to get up the stairs, and into him room.

After he got there, he just collapsed on his bed, and started sobbing again. He wasnt able to move because of the pain so he just went to sleep since it was now technically very early Saturday morning.

The Next Day

When Izuku woke up he knew his father would be downstairs, since it was Saturday and he didnt have work. Izuku could now feel the damage, and it wasnt as bad as he thought it was. It turns out that there was just some bruises, because his father wasnt able to hit him with his quirk as well cause of how drunk he was.

Izuku was actually able to stand up with mild pain, and get to the bathroom to take a shower. He stood in the shower for a while, since it felt really nice because he cried so much last night. The water didnt sting as mich on his old scars because most of them had scabs now.

As he was getting out of the shower and looking over all of the damage again, he started getting really bad thoughts. All the things that everyone had been telling him, and all the abuse that had happened to him over the years. Before he knew it, he was cutting all over his upper arms again, not caring about the old scars at all. Just the feeling of the metal blade slicing through his arms, felt so nice. It was like with each cut he made, more syress was able to be let out. After he was done with the cutting, he put the razor back and just wrapped up his scars like normal.

Izuku spent the rest of the weekend in his room, he woild sneek downstairs to get food from the cabnets when his dad was asleep(which was a lot of the time). Once it got to Monday, he was pretty much rested enough to go to school again.

As his alarm woke him up on Monday, Izuku got up like normal and got ready in his uniform. Before he went downstairs, he just knew his dad would yell at him, since he would be up and getting readdy for work. Jusy before he left he had the thought. "You know, if people really dont want me here, the I will kill myself tonight. I just want one good last day with my friends, and some time to get some notes written.

And a chance to say goodbye.

Suicidal deku with dadzawa and dadmight TRIGGER WARNINGWhere stories live. Discover now