Why Me

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Izukus Pov-


    Izuku woke up to the sound of his alarm going off again loudly in his ear. As he was shutting it off he thought again "well I cant wait to do this again" with a sarcastic inner voice. After he got out of bed he walked into his bathroom to get ready to take a shower and get ready for school.  As he was in the shower, he could feel the cuts he made the other day still stinging when the water hit him. All the thoughts started coming back to him when he was feeling the water on them. "Do it agai, its not like anyone would care." "theres no point in trying to not cut if your going to do it anyway." As he was stepping out of the shower he walked to his miror with a towel around him and opened up the cabnet that holds his bandages. Under all of the bandages in a secret place was his razor that he used most of the time. "Ill just do it a few times so it dosent bleed too much, and so I wont think about it later." As he dragged the razor across his upper arm pressing down hard, he could feel the stinging, addicting pain he was used too. He only made 4 cuts, but on each one he saw white when he cut, so he knew he would have to use bandaids or something. After he cleaned up, which didnt take that long,  he walkeed back into his normal room and got dressed in his UA uniform. After he grabbed his bag, before he walked out of his bedroom door he silently hoped that his moms boyfriend wouldnt be sitting in his chair drunk from last night.

    As he slowly walked out of his room and down the stairs, he could see his moms boyfriend sitting in his chair. He was awake but since he was drunk, Izuku hoped he could slip out without him noticing Izuku. As he walked down the stairs he didnt even get halfway before his moms boyfriend yelled at him to get over there. Izuku cursed under his breath and walked over to him.  "So you think you can just slip out without me noticing you, HUH, what do you take me for, a FUCKING IDIOT??!!" Izuku winced at the yelling, but at this point he felt like he was going to snap. "I was trying to leave without you noticing so I wouldnt have to deal with all of this and whatever other bullshit your going to yell at me for." said Izuku.   As soon as he said it, he knew he fucked up BAD. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME!! Thats it with you. Your going to pay for treating me and your mother like absolute shit.

    When he said that, he grabbed izuku by the wrist and started to drag him to their storage area downstairs in the basement. When someone is down there, even any screaming is muffled, and nobody would be able to hear it from outside.

Im not going to get into all of the abuse that hppened but believe me its not as bad as many other fanfics make it seem, soooo timeskip to after his moms boyfriend leaves him.

    After he finally laft Izuku alone, he a bruises all over his back, legs, and chest. His father was smart and didnt hurt his face at all since he wouldnt be able to hide it. Some parts on him were bleeding frome being tossed around, but it was all mostly just really bad bruises. "Jeez im just lucky that I didnt break any bones at all." "I guess they have just gotten stronger from me constantly overusing my quirk." 

    Sicnce it was already 11 in the morning, Izuku decided to not go to school since it was Friday anyway, so he would three days to rest. For the rest of the day Izuku just tried going upstairs and getting a can out soup cooked after his mom and her boyfriend left for their work. After they were gone Izuku just tried to eat the food withour his stoach hurting too much so he could just get some food in him. After that he just went upstairs and made sure everything was bandaged right. Of course he had to rebandage his sh scars, and a few others that his moms boyfriend gave him. The worst scars on him were honestly the ones he did himself though. 

    After Izuku was finally able to lay down in his bed he thought, " wow that was defidently one of the worst beatings hes given me.

    The next day when he woke up, everything was very sore. He could see it was only 9 am so he was expecting to hear his parents getting ready for work or something. He didnt hear anything though. He finally got the urge to get out of bed to see what was going on. After he got downstairs he could see his moms boyfriend in his moms room. He wanted to know where his mom was, but he wasnt going to think about asking him.

Timeskip to after his moms boyfriend leaves for work.

    Izuku was downstairs and he had the news on in the background while he was trying to make food. He then saw in the corner of his eye that on the news they were saying that a body was found on the side of a road. It had probably come from a car crash then was left to die, but Izuku couldnt hear what they were saying because he could tell that the person looked exactly like his mom the day she went to work.

Suicidal deku with dadzawa and dadmight TRIGGER WARNINGWhere stories live. Discover now