Blue falls to the ground, and the pair follow him, ready to fight their friend in order to subdue him. But they are no match to the Reach controlled human, as they are defeated quickly, passed out and stapled to the walls and trees of the streets. Zatanna, Rocket and Emerald notices Blue's armour sprout blades walking towards the teens, "Now!" Em shouts. Rocket wraps her energy field around him, as he struggles to cut his way out, Blue's arms turn into a sonic canon, but luckily Zatanna casts a spell, "I've reinforced Rocket's force bubble with my magics, Blue's not going anywhere," Zatanna informs, Emerald flies down, moving towards Batgirl and Impulse, she releases wisps of energy waking them up, melting the staples in the process. "Let's get out of here, the faster we do this, the faster we save him," they nodded, hopping into the super cycle. 

"Enjoy your advantage while you can. The Reach track my every move, and when we're through with you, there won't be enough left for a DNA identification,"  Blue threatens, he sounds so....unlike himself. No one moves or flinches at his threat, which only seems to anger the Reach more, "Tell me our destination, and I'll make your deaths painless," he tries again, Emerald rolls her eyes, turning to Zatanna, "If I ever get brainwashed and taken over by some race that wants to take over the planet, please put some duct tape over my mouth, save the impending headaches," she groans, Zee giggles, "got ya." 


JUNE 14, 05:19 UTC +2

The Team return to the Bialyan complex the ladies had infiltrated months ago. They enter the facility only to be meet with a squad of soldiers, "We've got company! And I'm otherwise occupied maintaining this bubble around Blue," Rocket calls out. "Chillax, Rock'. We're prepped for Queen Bee's tin soldiers," Impulse says excitedly prepared for action. Before he could even attack Zatanna casts a spell disarming the soldiers, "Hey! I was going to do that," he dejectedly states, "You can still knock 'em out," Emerald suggests, his face lights up running into the action. Impulse gets captured by Devastation, struggling to get of their grasp, Emerald flips out, sending a wave of her hex, making Devastation let go and slam into the wall. "Rocket! The force bubble!" Emerald calls out while deflecting punches, "Holding! But I'm a sitting duck here," she calls out, "you were fools to bring us here, Queen Bee is our ally, and her minions will destroy you," Blue threatens once again, "If only these bubbles were soundproof," Rocket comments, "Tell me about it!" Em replies creating a shield around the duo. 

Zatanna was getting impatient, understandable since she is the one performing the spell knocking them out. "Girlfriend, someday you have to tell me how you figure out those backwards words so fast," an impressed and relieved Rocket says, "Maybe backwards is my native tongue," Zatanna comments smirking. Emerald smirks, 'hot'  she mouths to Zatanna, no wonder Dick and her had a thing, Zee only smiles cheekily, 'later' she cheekily suggests. "Come on let's go!" she then calls out. They arrive at Bialyan temple, Impulse, Emerald and Zatanna look at the giant scarab carving on the wall, "You, uh, sure you've got the power for this?" Impulse asks Zee, nervous about the outcome. "Me? No, But I'll summon it from those who do," she answers walking to the dais at the centre of the temple. She begins incanting the spell, floating up in the process, her eyes glow as the power of the ancients enter her body. Rocket sets Blue Beetle on the dais in front of the sorceress, things seemed to be running smoothly the others present remain guard in case of intruders. 

Out of nowhere Green Beetle drops in, "Uh guys we got company! Let's move!" Emerald commands, summoning herself escrima sticks, flying towards the controlled Martian. She tries hitting him but the stick simply phases through him, ugh, she tries hitting balls of energy at him but it does not stop the Martian. Rocket shouts that she's a sitting duck, "don't worry Rock, I got you!" Emerald shouts flying over, creating a shield over the dais. "Impulse, Batgirl, deal with Green," she commands, they nod starting a fire around B'arzz, weakening him momentarily, only for him to phases through the ground and shoot them down. He turns his attention to the trio surrounding Jaimie, pointing his sonic canon, but before he could shoot a gecko falls on him, the gecko turns into a elephant crushing the Green Beetle under his weight. However, this didn't knock him out, the Martian flips Beast Boy over, ready to dissect him, luckily, Bumblebee appears out of thin air and shoots him in his face, Wonder girl swoops down tying the lasso around him, and Robin comes down sending a flying kick, "you can thank us later." Still the Martian soldiers on, "Doesn't this guy have an off button?!" Emerald frantically exclaims, frustrated that none of the teams advances are keeping him down. "Uh. Z. we're on the clock, here" Rocket reminds, they were running out of time, the spell takes affect with the beetle emblem embedding onto Zatanna's temple, the mosaic magically reconstructs, "Rocket! Now!" Emerald intructs releasing both shields, they back away. Green Beetle tries to shoot at Zatanna but Impulse manages to chuck him into the dais, effectively cleansing him of the Reach's control.

Zee collapses to the floor exhausted, Emerald runs over to her, "Zatanna, you Ok? Did it work?" she asks slowly to the exhausted woman. She casts a spell on the beetles, deactivating their armour, "Well they seem normal, Blue, no killy feelings towards us?" Em asks, he laughs, "I'm me again, thank you Zatanna," it's been a while since they've heard him laugh. "Reading no external signals since Zatanna worked her mojo, neither beetle is in contact with the Reach" Robin informs, Emerald releases a breath she didn't know she was keeping in, "Let's get out of here, before we draw in more attention," she says. 

The team were in the super-cycle, and other members who could fly peppered around them, "So spill, How did you know how to cure us? That temple wasn't even n the Reach database," Jaimie asks, "Bumblebee and I first came across it months ago, on another mission, I couldn't help noticing the Blue Scarab imagery, and recorded a holographic file of the symbols in hieroglyphics. Dr. Fate was able to translate the glyphs, which revealed a mystic ceremony the ancients had used to cleanse the scarab f Reach control," Batgirl recalls, "that's why my scarab was off-mode when I found it," Jaimie realizes. "Because the ritual used magic of human origin, Fate, a lord of order, could not perform it, and I was never trained in human sorcery, also hello Megan, I'm an alien as well," Emerald continues the story, "So they prepped me instead," Zatanna finishes Kat's sentence. Robin reveals the history of the holders of the scarab, of Jaimie's predecessors  and how he ended up with the scarab. "But why keep all this from me?" Blue then asks, "Because it took months for me to learn the ritual," she replies, "And not to mention, configure the ancient Bialyian incantations to work in concert with Zee's magic," Emerald add on, "And you couldn't risk letting the Reach know the temple existed until you were ready, you managed to keep your mouth shut? You?" Jaimie questions Bart shocked. Emerald only smiles at this interaction.

Batgirl had just finished briefing Nightwing. "Try not getting possessed again, kid, Bialya gives me the creeps," Emerald jokingly advises Blue. Jaimie salutes, making everyone laugh. 

'I told you it would work, don't have to be so sceptical about everything birdbrain,' she psychically tells Nightwing, 'Yah, well what can I say, I was raised by Batman,' he sheepishly replies, 'Zatanna came through, I was worried for a second, but as always I'm impressed,' she says, 'If this is your way of telling me, you're leaving me for Z, it's not working,' he replies knowingly, 'what can I say I have a type,' she says lowly. 

Live fast, die young

Bad girls do it well 

Live fast, die young

Bad girls do it well

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-Wow, that took longer than expected, to be fair I do have pre-mocks tomorrow, so I was more focused on that. Somehow I found a moment of free time to complete this chapter and luckily I had written a good portion, after I had first published Chapter 14. Hopefully these pre-mocks go smoothly, and I can attempt to write another chapter. So for now...

Enjoy this chapter!

-Angie x

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