Chapter 14

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While the 4 Arbiters are preparing the foods and drinks we could see Chariot and the other humanoid sirens on her group shouting in victory as they won the game with Strength and the other humanoid sirens congratulating them

As this happens the siren humanoids go back to there own business while Chariot helps Strength on setting up her Beach Chair and Umbrella and after Chariot helped her she gave Strength a glass of juice as Strength started to relax with Chariot

Chariot: So how is the situation in the Atlantic sister?

Strength: It's still the same situation with the Royal Navy having a hard time to capture or kill me due to my ability

Chariot: I see

Strength: How about you?

Chariot: I managed to find a new rival in aerial combat and she wanted to defeat me so bad because I flirted with her she and I both met in battle

Strength: By God Chariot you really should stop flirting with your enemies, so who is your new rival?

Chariot: USS Nimitz

and then Strength suddenly spits out her drink

Strength: That Shipgirl?!

Chariot: Yes why is there a problem?

Strength: You been flirting with enemies and sirens in our base including our Older sister, Empress and now a shipgirl, do you think it's not a surprise to me?!

Chariot: Nope

Strength: Gosh how did you even made her blush madly at you

Chariot: Simple, I showed my beautiful face in front of her 

Strength: In short you Ara~ Ara~ her, I gotta see her reaction on it

Chariot: I take a picture of her when I done that do you want a copy

but before Strength could respond they head Hermit's voice saying that the food and drinks are ready causing every siren humanoid to go to the area where the food is

Strength: You know what let's continue this discussion in another time I'm already hungry let's go 

Chariot: Sure

and so they headed to where the others are and started to eat and drink 

Hours later 

5 PM

We could see the siren humanoids leaving the beach wearing casual clothing as there day off is done and they are all going back to work with some drunk since they drunk to much alcoholic beverages 

And from there we could see Empress wearing a casual uniform(Imagine she is wearing since I can't find any picture) and was already done on cleaning the mess and was about to leave until Chariot appeared wearing this:

And from there we could see Empress wearing a casual uniform(Imagine she is wearing since I can't find any picture) and was already done on cleaning the mess and was about to leave until Chariot appeared wearing this:

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(Imagine her hair is white and her eyes were red)

and was riding a motorcycle:

As Empress and Chariot's eyes met Chariot spoke

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As Empress and Chariot's eyes met Chariot spoke

Chariot: Want a ride home to base sister?

Empress: You know I could just teleport right?

Chariot: I know but sometime you need to breathe a lot of fresh air, Elisa

Elisa(Empress): What ever you say Christina

Christina(Chariot): What about the things you brought here at the beach do you need any help

Elisa: No need I already called Observer to clean this up for me

Christina: I see then hop in

and so Elisa gets behind Christina on the motorcycle and from there Christina started the Motorcycles engine and started driving back at the Siren HQ

and while Christina is driving Elisa puts her hands on Christina's stomach with her head on Christina back hugging her softly in the process with Christina smiling

Christina: So how long did we ever called each other our real names?

Elisa: Just today, I can't even call you privately to talk because of my work sorry 

Christina: Don't worry, You just want to make sure the man responsible for the death of our 15 sisters will be put into justice in our own hands so don't say that but I'm still shocked that our sisters abandoned the original names given to them and used new ones you gave them

Elisa: Yeah, but the weird fact is Judgment didn't attend the beach party celebration, I told her that you are excited to see you again

Christina: It's fine maybe she had to handle something important-

and then suddenly Christina makes the bike stop shocking Elisa, making her check what is infront of the road heading back to the Siren HQ

and then suddenly Christina makes the bike stop shocking Elisa, making her check what is infront of the road heading back to the Siren HQ

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as Elisa saw the figure her eyes widen

It was Judgement also known as Arbiter XX 

Judgement: Sorry for being late sisters but may I join you both back to HQ, I have something important to tell you

To be continued

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