Part 16

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Chapter 8.2

They were doomed!

Even Lin Yuzhen couldn't help but become nervous. She walked into the living room and stared at the door as if there were a dozen gangsters with baseball bats behind that door.

The whole family behaved as if they were going to meet a formidable foe!

"Open the door."

Jiang Ning was using a towel to wipe his hair as he smiled and said, "We've got guests."

Lin Yuzhen didn't know what to do with this relaxed attitude of his. Was this guy unafraid? Or he just didn't care?

She walked to the door and opened it. Lin Qiang was standing there with Lin Feng behind him.


Lin Qiang's face was rather nasty looking.

But he still managed to squeeze a smile out. "Your uncle has come here especially to apologize to you!"

Lin Yuzhen froze.

The two eavesdropping with their ears to their room door also froze.

Lin Qiang had come here to apologize?

"Firing you was a misunderstanding, all this is Lin Feng's fault and I've already taught him a lesson."

Lin Qiang pointed to his son, and Lin Feng immediately bowed his head, "I'm sorry Yuzhen, I was wrong, please forgive me."

"Some of this was my fault too. I didn't check properly before firing you, that was wrong of me."

Lin Qiang continued, "I hope you can forgive me. The company needs you."

His tone was as sincere as it could be.

If Lin Yuzhen still didn't agree to come back, there was nothing else he could do.

"Tomorrow, I'll be at the office entrance to receive you and reinstate you, then I will also explain what happened to everybody personally to do you justice," said Lin Qiang.

His apology was filled with sincerity, and his attitude was extremely humble now.

Lin Yuzhen didn't know what to do when she saw Lin Qiang bow slightly.

She turned back to look at Jiang Ning and saw him nod.

"Ok Uncle Qiang, I'll go to work tomorrow."

"Sure, I'll wait for you at the main entrance of the Lin Group office tomorrow. Goodnight."

The father and son then left.

Lin Yuzhen closed the door.

Disbelief was still written all over Lin Yuzhen's face.

Lin Qiang had come personally to her house to apologize!

With such a sincere attitude!

When had she ever seen him like that?

"My brother came to apologize?"

Lin Wen pushed the door open, his lips trembling and his eyes a little red.

His family had been bullied so badly by Lin Qiang all these years!

When did he ever apologize for any of that?

To Lin Qiang, Lin Wen was a disgrace to the Lin family. If they weren't related by blood, Lin Qiang would have chased them out of the family long ago!

"He came to apologize!"

"He came to do that!"

Sumei was also very excited about this. She had suppressed her feelings for too long and was a little out of control now.

As a daughter-in-law of the Lins, she had been subject not just to Lin Xiao's mood, but also to Lin Qiang, and she had quietly endured for decades now.

When she heard how Lin Qiang had apologized so humbly earlier, Sumei couldn't hold in her emotions anymore.

"This damned bastard, so the day has come when he begs us."

Sumei was about to cry.

When she saw the way her parents reacted, Lin Yuzhen took in a deep breath.

She had always known that her parents had been bullied by this uncle, and had been looked down upon and treated poorly.

But today, even though it was just once, it was enough to see Lin Qiang bow his head and apologize.

"From now on, nobody will cause you to suffer anymore."

Jiang Ning finished drying his hair. "Nobody can bully my wife, so nobody can bully my father-in-law and mother-in-law either."

Lin Yuzhen and her family looked dumbfounded at Jiang Ning.

This middle-aged son-in-law who married into the family was somehow different from other people.

On the other side, Lin Qiang's face had darkened since they left Lin Yuzhen's house, and it was so dark it was terrifying.

Lin Feng followed behind his father and didn't dare to say a single word.

Jiang Ning forcing Lin Qiang to go up personally to humbly apologize is as good as giving a good slap in the face!

"Tell all the workers to come in one hour earlier to wait for Lin Yuzhen at the office entrance tomorrow!"

Lin Qiang smiled coldly, his face full of viciousness. "Also, secretly spread the word that Lin Yuzhen is sleeping with CEO Huang, and wants to force the Lin Group to bow to her!"

"I'm going to see whether Lin Yuzhen is thick-skinned enough to stay in Lin Group or not!"

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