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Sage woke up Friday morning and hung out around the house. She didn't have much to do so she texted Millie and Charlie throughout the day and got caught up on some TV shows.

Millie got off of school early today due to her getting to leave after a day of testing. Once it hit around three Sage got cleaned up and threw on a pair of black leggings, some black socks, a t-shirt, and a flannel to match.

She heard the doorbell ring and jumped off the couch. She fixed her hair in the mirror by the door and smiled. She opened up the door to be met by Millie. "Hey." She said with a huge smile. "Hi." Sage said with as dorky smile on, "Come in."

Millie came in and looked around. "Where can I put my bag?" Millie asked looking at some pictures on the wall. "In my room, follow me." Sage said as she walked down the corridor. Millie followed her to her room and dropped her bag on the floor.

"Do you wanna change?" Sage asked looking down at Millie's uniform, "I know the uniforms can be uncomfortable."

"It's fine." Millie answered rolling her eyes and smiling. "No here," Sage said digging through her wardrobe, "wear this."

Sage held out a pair leggings, a t-shirt, and a oversized zip up sweatshirt. "I couldn't." Millie said pushing the girls hands away. "No, you can here." Sage said putting the clothes in the girls hands. "Fine." Millie said giving in. "I'll leave." Sage said walking out of her bedroom.

"I'm done." Sage heard a minute or two later. She opened the door and walked in. "Do you have a brother?" Millie asked once Sage walked in. "Yes, I do. His name is Finn and he's ten. He also should be home soon." "I thought so I saw him in the photos." Millie nodded at the girl.

"Okay so homework." Sage said grabbing Millie's bag. "Oh yeah, right." Millie said grabbing the bag and opening it. She messed around in the bag for a second and then pulled out a bunch of papers.

"Is that all of it?" Sage asked as Millie handed her the stack. "Mhm." Millie hummed back. "Okay." Sage said letting out a deep breath and running a hand through her hair. "I can help you. I am a year 11, so I know most of it." Millie said meeting the girls eyes.

"Year 11?" Sage asked cocking her head to the side. "Yep." Millie said mocking her head placement. "I guess I just thought you were in my year." Sage said looking down. Millie just smiled and shrugged.

The girls laid down on their stomachs and started to work though the homework. They talked and laughed more then they worked but they managed to finish.

"Stop poking me." Millie laughed as Sage poked her in the face. "Make me." Sage said rolling away after poking Millie again. They were now both on their knees. Millie lunged forward and tackled Sage.

"Who's laughing now?" Millie asked smirking and poking at the girl under her. Sage rolled her eyes and looked away. "You have really pretty eyes." Millie said moving a piece of Sage's hair. "So do you." Sage said blushing like crazy. Both girls suddenly started to move closer together.

"Sage?" Sage's mum said opening the door. Both girls instantly pulled apart and sat down on the floor. "Oh I'm- uh sorry." Sage's mum said closing the door slightly.

"No, mom you didn't-" Sage said stumbling over her words. "You didn't walk in on- uhm anything." Millie finished rubbing the back of her neck, "Hi I'm Millie." "Well hello, I'm Mrs. Levy." Sage's mum said smiling at Millie.

"What's up mum?" Sage said annoyed that she walked in. "I was actually asking in Millie was staying for dinner." Mrs. Levy stated giving Sage a look. "Oh no I'm fine. My mum is actually on her way to get me." Millie said shoving her stuff in her backpack.

"Okay, well it was great meeting you. I do hope you come round here again." Sage's mum said leaving the room. Sage cleared her throat and Millie turned to look at her. "Sorry about her." Sage said getting up off the floor.

"Don't be. She seems lovely." Millie said putting her bag on her back. "Yeah." Sage said outreaching her hand. Millie took hold and Sage let go letting the girl fall backwards. They both laughed and then Sage actually helped Millie up.

Once they were done goofing around they went and sat on the front steps. Both of their hand dangerously close. They talked waiting for Millie's mum to get there. She pulled up and the two girls stood up. "I'll see you tomorrow." Sage smiling at the girl. Millie nodded and looked like she was thinking of something.

Then she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Sage's waist. Sage at first shocked she took a second to realize what was going on. Once she did she wrapped her arms around Millie's neck and pulled her closer. They stood like that for about a minute and then pulled away.

The girls locked eyes and a blush immediately started to show on their cheeks. "Uh- yeah um- tomorrow. I'll text you my address." Millie said walking down a few steps. "Yeah, bye." Sage said smiling and waving. "Bye." Millie said waving back.

Sage watched Millie get in the car and her mum drive away. Sage let out a sigh and opened the front door. She closed the door and leaned her head up against it.

"Mum, can I see if Charlie can come over?" Sage yelled to her mom from the front door. "Sure, and ask him if he wants your father to pick him up." Her mum yelled back. She pulled her phone out of her back pocket and dialed Charlie.

"Hey." She said after a few rings. "Hi." Charlie said sounding happy. "Can you come over." Sage asked walking to her room. "Why? Is everything okay?" He asked the confusion clear in his voice. "I just need to talk to you in person." Sage said flopping back on her bed.

"Okay, hold on. Mum can I go to Sage's house she needs my help with something." Charlie yelled as he ran down the stairs. "I suppose. Do they need me to drop you off?" Charlie's mum asked cleaning up dinner.

"Char, tell her no me and my dad can come get you." Sage said being able to hear everything. "Okay. I'll be ready in five." Charlie said walking to the front door. "I'll see you in ten. Bye." Sage said pulling the phone away from her ear. "Bye." She heard Charlie faintly say.

"Dad." Sage yelled walking out of her room. "Living room." Sage's mum said pointing to the living room with a knife. She was fixing dinner. "Dad, can you take me to pick up Charlie?" Sage asked walking over to her dad. "Sure, get your shoes on and meet me at the car."

Sage met her dad at the car, they got in, dove to pick Charlie up, got Charlie and went back home. Once they went in the house Charlie went to say 'Hello' but Sage grabbed his hand and pulled him to her room. "Hey." Charlie said as Sage pulled him. "Your here for me and if you start to talk to her she will talk you ear off."

"Okay, so what's going on?" Charlie said sitting on Sage's bed. "Me and Millie almost kissed." Sage said sitting on the floor. "What? Did I hear you right?" Charlie asked looking shocked.

"Yes, and she left in my clothes. My mum was probably confused. She walked in on us, right as we were about to-" Sage said laying down on her back. "Wait, she walked in on you guys?" Charlie said sliding down onto the floor with Sage.

"Yeah, and Millie was on top of me. Then when she was leaving she hugged me." Sage said sitting back up again. "So you like her?" Charlie questioned. "I don't know and we are supposed to be hanging out tomorrow." Sage said rubbing her head.

"Me and Nick are hanging out, but we all already knew I like him." Charlie said. Sage just rolled her eyes and smiled. "I've just never- I don't know felt like this towards a girl before." Sage said running her hand through her hair. "Maybe Millie is your gay awakening." Charlie said leaning closer to Sage.

"No. Maybe. I have no idea." Sage said sighing in defeat. "Well just know I'm by your said this whole time." Charlie said reaching and grabbing Sage's hand.

Charlie tried to help Sage some more but he didn't really know what liking a girl was like. He's always really liked boys. So he tried to convert some of his situations to try and help. He tried his best to give his best friend peace at mind, but by the end he just stressed her out more.

Though she would never tell him that. She knew Charlie was trying to help and didn't know how. Once Charlie went home Sage went through her night routine and laid in bed. After thinking for awhile she drifted off.

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