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Sage rolled over in bed and immediately felt sick. She got up ran down the corridor in into the bathroom. She opened the toilet lid and threw up.

It had been a few months since Charlie joined to rugby team and Sage started texting Millie. Last night she had a migraine but just brushed it off as nothing.

Maybe she shouldn't of ignored it, cause now she is sitting on the bathroom floor. She got up, got cleaned up, and walked down the corridor. No one was awake. All the house lights were off. Once she got back to her room she could see it was still dark outside.

She got into bed and fell back asleep. A few hours later her alarm went off. She got up and the sick feeling was gone, thank god. She got ready and everything that morning was normal. She got to school and went to form. She sat with Elle, they talked and then they went to first hour.

She went through second hour fine and then started to walk to third hour. As she was walking she bumped shoulders with someone. "Oh, I'm sorry." She said turning to meet their face, Millie. "Oh hey. Your fine, no worries." Millie said smiling at the girl.

"You wanna walk together?" Millie asked Sage. "Yeah." The girls walked and talked on their way to third hour. As soon as they sat down Sage felt sick again. Millie turned to face the pale looking girl.

"Hey, you okay?" Millie asked putting and hand on Sage's shoulder. "Uh um. I don't think so." Sage said taking deep breaths. "Miss, can I take Sage to the washroom?" Millie said getting the teachers attention. "What's wrong?" The teacher asked walking over to their table.

"She doesn't feel well." Millie said rubbing the girls back. The teacher nodded and Millie stood up. She reached out her hand for Sage to grab. Sage took her hand and Millie helped her stand up. Once she was up Millie wrapped her arm around the girls shoulders.

She helped her down the corridor and to the washroom. As soon as they got there Sage ran to the toilet and threw up again. Millie ran over and held the girls hair. She rubbed her back snd told her 'Your okay.' Millie waited for Sage to be done to let go of her hair.

"Deep breaths." Millie said to the girl who was trying to catch her breath, "You alright?" Sage nodded and Millie opened her hand once again, but this time not to get up. Sage took her hand in hers. Sage's stomach exploded in butterflies, but little did she know so did Millie's.

They were holding hands. Sage didn't think that was something she would ever do with a girl. At least in a romantic way, this wasn't a friend type of thing, or at least to Sage it wasn't. It didn't feel like it was. It felt like it met something more to the girls.

They sat for a few minutes, hand in hand until Sage was okay. Once she was Millie helped Sage to the nurses office. They told the nurse that Sage threw up and then Millie went to get Sage's backpack. Once she got back Sage's mum was there to pick her up. They said their goodbyes and Millie went back to third hour.

She finished third hour and went to lunch. She met Tara, Darcy, and Elle all at their normal lunch table. "Hey." Tara said as the girl sat down. "Where's Sage?" Darcy asked looking for the girl.

"She went home. She was sick. She looked ill so I took her to the washroom and she threw up. So I helped her to the nurse and she went home." Millie said digging through her lunch.

"Are you guys becoming close?" Tara asked smirking at Millie. "Yeah, I like her. We're gonna hang out this weekend, if she feels better." Millie said looking up from her lunch bag. Tara and Darcy both smirked at each other and Tara whispered to Elle. Elle gasped and put her hand over her mouth.

"What's going on?" Millie asked furrowing her eyebrows. Tara shrugged and continued to eat. Millie just smiled and shook her head. After lunch Millie went through the rest of the day bored due to Sage not being there.

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