"I would have done earlier but was away for a few days."

He looked a bit tired, she thought. "You have just returned?"

"Yes. Flew in this evening."

"I see." In her mind, she had still not forgiven him, but her heart used his reason to explain the fact he had not come back until now. Her brain reminded her, he could have phone. 

"Can I come inside? I don't fancy having a discussion at your front doorstep. I wanted to talk you about Sophie working for you."

For a few seconds she reviewed her options. And studied his expression. Had he forgotten the kiss? Or was going to pretend that nothing happened.  She opted for the latter. She opened the door and gestured him in. "Would you mind if we have this discussion in the kitchen? I was just making dinner."

"Sorry. Hopefully it will not take up your time?"

"How much time do you need?" Perhaps, after all, he wanted to discuss the kiss. And was just using Sophies situation to start the conversation. Her heartbeat raced.

"Just to discuss Sophie's situation."

Deflated, she asked, "Oh. Is there a problem? I thought she was enjoying the job." Jena frowned. "In any case, if she has a complaint about her job, she should not leave it to you to sort it out for her." She mumbled. "I thought  we agreed that you would leave her to find her way, and if she makes mistakes she would have to sort it out, not rely on you, or Isaac or... "

"Not exactly a complaint." Caleb corrected Jena's impression. She quirked a brow. Caleb smiled, "She sung your praises! Anyone would think you were the best thing since slice bread!" Jena smiled. "She said you and your colleague all get the same wages."

"Yes. That is true."

"And you are paying her...."

"I did tell you and your sister, she would only get the minimum wage. That was the deal." The last thing she wanted to do right at the moment, was to discuss a wage raise! Jena pouted. "I was upfront about that." The oven bell went off. She turned around and reached for the oven gloves. The problem with charity sometimes brings more problems. 

"I know." He could see from her body language, she was irritated. "We know. A minimum wage."

"I can't pay more than the minimum wage, Mr Harland." 

"I know. Jena." He emphasised her name hoping she would remember to use his name.

She ignored his prompt. "So, Mr Harland?" Perhaps if she used his surname she could return him to the friendship zone, given their kissed had replayed in her dreams and he had not phoned her or come here to discuss the kiss. Moving him to her friendship zone, would be the best option.

"She said Andrew is still on full wage."

Jena scowled. "I am not sure why we are having a conversation about my colleague's wage."

"My question is how can you afford to pay my sister?"

"Surely that is my business. Mr Harland!. What I pay my staff has nothing to do with you!"

He held up hand, "No offence, Jena, but actually, yes, it has everything do with me." She frowned at his reply. Caleb tried to placate her, "Under most circumstances, what you pay your staff is your business. Obviously not my business."


He announced with conviction, "But I should have checked that your business can pay Sophie's wage."

She glared at him, "I can pay her! As I said, minimum wages. You knew that. She knew that too. She accepted the job. On those terms. And a few days later you want to renegotiate her wage!"

"I am not questioning Sophie's wage." He said quietly, "But I forced you to employ her!"

"No. You did not!"

"For all I know, you paying my sister a wage could have an impact on your cash flow at your business! We did not talk about that. I just assumed you would pay her, with no consequence on your business or your financials." It was something that had played in his brain while he was discussing his business with other CEO. His mind was occupied and he was sure his lack of attention was noted at the meetings during the last two days.

"As I said, it has nothing to do with you!"

He ran his fingers through his hair and laced his fingers behind his head, "What I am trying to say, I am sorry. I forced you to employ Sophie."

Jena was surprised by his apology. "You do not owe me an apology. You know, I would need to find someone, albeit, temporarily to deal with Andrew's work. Your sister was available." She glanced over her shoulder and smiled. "Have you eaten?"

She nearly rolled her eyes, what was wrong with her? This is not the way to return him to her friendship zone. Good luck with that, her mind and her heart laughed at her.

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