He laughed. "You don't think I can form a relationship with you. Why not? Why aren't you suitable?"

Jena said frankly, "Mr Harland, I am currently on your radar for two reasons."

"On my radar?" Again he laughed. "And just two reasons?"

"Yes, I am on your radar because, a, I helped you and your sister and b, your harem would not argue with you, so I am a novelty! Which is why I am on your radar! Gratitude and shock!"

He could help the chuckle. "Harem? Your reasons are valid. But baffled by you. And the number of the reasons," He grinned, "is incorrect! Way under!"

"Ok, give me your reasons for this sudden intrigue in me?"

Caleb smiled, "You are beautiful."

Jena chortled. "Ah, most in your harem are beautiful! And remember you said, my assets do not explain my conceit and vanity! Remember that?" She quirked a brow, and he was surprised to see the humour in her eyes. She held her hands up, "And for your information, I am happy with my assets! And just because I accept it, it does not make me vain."

"I agree. I apologise. Again. You are not vain. You are beautiful."

"Thank you." She grinned, again quirked a brow, "So three reasons: I helped your sister, I argue with you, and you think I am beautiful."

"And you are smart"

She shook her head, "According to you," Irony laced her statement "I cannot process simple statement and have an issue with communication? Remember that?"

"My brain was in melting mode!" Caleb offered a smile, "Again, sorry. I missed your empathy and kindheartedness..."

She immediately laughed, "You obvious do not remember my visit to your office! My recollection of my visit to your office, where you said I have a tendency to bully, " she pretended to consider it, "contradicts your new opinion." She put her glass down, "And to avoid any further shot-in-your-foot-moments, let me remind you what you identified, labelled as my undesirable, unattractive traits!"

He rubbed a hand across his jaw. A pity that she could recollect their meeting word for word. Clearly his declarations were recorded in her brain and his apologies fell on deaf ears. Not surprising. Just a shame that he could not erase those words or had the opportunity to turn time back. With hindsight, he knew he made a mistake. Actually, lots of mistakes, with her.

Jena feigned boredom. "I think you said, arrogance and overconfidence. Oh, yes, also, self-importance." But her pretence that his words did not matter, was demolished when she said quietly, "In my heart and head, the worst trait you ascribed to my character was when you called me a bully." He could see that he hurt her. "You think I intimidate or harass people to get what I want." Jena caught her lips between her teeth, because those words echoed in her mind and heart. "That is not true. At all." She said softly.

Caleb held up his hands and said gently, " Mea culpa." He was not sure how he was going to fix this. So he repeated, "I am sorry, Jena." He ran his fingers through his hair, and thought he should try to explain, "You materialised at my office, you found your way past security and you convinced my PA to fit you into my schedule, then within your first minutes with me, you asked me to curtail my social activity with a woman who I had recently met. I could see in your eyes that you assumed I would agree. It informed my on-the-moment opinion. Someone who could bypass security with minimum fuss, was not a shrinking violet." Caleb tried to gauge her response to his explanation. "Unfortunately, I reached the wrong conclusion. I am so sorry, Jena."

She acknowledged his apology with a simple nod.

He sighed. "Well at that time, I thought you were trying to replace Melanie in my social life...."

"Yes, I know that." She tipped her head to the side, "According to you, I tried to throw myself at you! In reality, I was trying to alerted you about my cousin's fiancée nature! And her true character!"

"I know."

She peered at him from beneath her lashes and said, "In any case, if I intrigued you, you had a chance!" She rolled the wine in her glass as she watched his face. 


She grinned. "At your office, you said I was attractive, but you assured me, that I was not your type!" She said quietly, "My appearance has not change and my personality has not changed. I am kind. Albeit tough-love! Blunt. Loyal. Honest. Conscientious. A touch gullible..."

He chuckled. "Yes, but left an impression."

"Me on you or you on me?" Jena would have laughed. "I registered on your radar for the wrong reasons back then. Now months later, I have registered on your radar, again, for the wrong reasons!" She knew she wasn't his type months ago, so unlikely to have changed his mind. "As I said back there, thank goodness for small mercies." She murmured, not bothering to keep her voice low.

"Well, in that case I have to tell you that you are wrong."


"Yes. You are wrong. You registered on my radar ages ago for the right reasons," and again held up his hands to stop her from interrupting him, "albeit masked at that the time!" He said with a wiggle of his eyebrows "You captivated me, even at the first meeting!" Jena snorted. "You continue to fascinate me! You are an extraordinary woman, Jena Silva!" She snorted again. "You intrigue me." Caleb said frankly.

She shook her head and corrected. "For the moment." He could not stop the laugh. She smiled and took a sip of her wine.

"Jena, Jena, Jena. Not temporarily at all."

"That is not true."

"I think you are perfect for me!"

She tipped her head up to look into his eyes as she said breathlessly. "Doubt it!"

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