8. How Many Deities Can You Fit in an Office?

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In the Heavenly Realm, every Deity had a place of residence. It could be in a group dorm in a sub-sub-basement hanging off the clouds in the lowest part of the city, a palatial estate among the manicured gardens at the top of the hill or anything in-between.

Humans believed a lot of things in a lot of different places and that sometimes led to more than one Deity being in control of something. All these overlapping concepts, had heralded the formation of administrative hubs throughout the city. Organising a place where everyone could get together and figure out who was working on what really optimised workplace synergy. No-one was fist fighting in a hospital over who was going to fulfil the healing prayer that had been received anymore.

Offices and Departments had grown out of this movement.

A great example of this was the War Department. .

War... Well, war was a universal concept with many branching interests and corridors of power. Because of this the many Gods, Goddesses and Deities associated with it needed both a unifying leader and a pretty large Departmental building.

As a whole they were often referred to as the Martial Gods, though there were more than just fighters here.

Currently they could all collectively be found crammed into a relatively small room, gossiping together still dressed in their ceremonial armour and clothes. Whenever anyone moved it gave the room the ambience of pans being washed in a stainless steel sink.

At first it had been a lot of the older hands, people who had actually been at the Battle of Wind Blown Tears complaining about the tone of the ceremony this year. With the others assuring them that they would never take it so trivially, whilst trying to hide that they had been drinking the fancy cocktails and eating those miniature cucumber sandwiches with no crusts on.

Eventually the topic had changed to something more immediately concerning.

"He must go there often." Someone stated, they had all seen how well kept the God of Wheat's house was. Several people nodded, the palace of the Wheat God was pristine to an almost creepy museum quality level. A residence that was prominent hadn't stood empty for this long without an owner. Stones crumbled away, plants died, mud cracked, iron rusted and wood rotted only to be replaced with something else. A select few kept their shape but transitioned in use like the great library.

"He does. I've never seen anyone else there." A junior stated, rifling through some official papers, as she sat on the edge of a desk attempting not to spill the ink pot directly beside her. It was perched rather precariously close to the edge and filled with a kelp green liquid. She let go of the papers, letting them fall back to their place on the desk and shoved the bottle into a drawer  where it clinked against the spares held in there.

"No-one else is there because the God of War is there!" A bored voice called out from somewhere near the door. People turned round to see who had spoken, causing a metallic din whilst Deities jostled for a spot with a good view. What they had said was rather blunt but nonetheless true, Elgaldir's presence was usually enough to make people back off on a good day. Especially after what had happened.

Only someone who truly had no regard for their own life would go traipsing through the gardens of the Wheat God, even though they were rumoured to be very beautiful.

"I saw him kneeling in the gravel." Yet another junior added, wiping a piece of plate metal with a cloth held in their heavily scarred hands. One of the beauty Goddess' had leaned up against them during the ceremony and had left a light dusting of glitter all over everything she had been in contact with.

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