First Contact: The Alliance and 'Blood' Elves

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Varian scowled before looking over the map of the Eastern Kingdoms, looking over the current Alliance troop positions and rumored Horde positions. "Yet the Horde needs to pay for their aggression. If we can force concessions in the Hinterlands, Plaguelands, and other locations, then we may be able to be a counter-balance, if not in an advantage over these Americans, while crippling the Horde in the Eastern Kingdoms."

Magni nodded. "I tacitly agreed with ya', Yer Majesty. We only got a taste of their power to rely on. Let alone their power projection..." Varian nodded before looking towards a messenger. "Send word to Admiral Hastings and Marshal Fordragon to finalize preparations. The offensive should start in a week." The messenger saluted before leaving, with pushing the world closer into an overall conflict.

Aboard a Thalassian Vessel, north of the Azur Coast

Vereesa sighed as she looked upon the land. "Captain, how long before we reach Darkshore?" The captain of the ship, Thayra Songwhisper, hummed. "If the wind allows, maybe tomorrow morning. Late tomorrow afternoon is more realistic, and that is if we are not intercepted."

Vereesa nodded before a noise, more like a dull roar was heard in the distance. "Hm..." The two elves squinted their eyes before they realized what was making that sound. Two Prowlers flew low, keeping their distance, though they began to circle the ship.

Inside the cockpit of one of the Prowlers, the pilot chuckled. "This keeps getting better and better. Eagle Two, we got more Elves below, but they are a bit more... pale than the Kaldorei we are helping. What do you think?"

The other pilot chuckled. "Eat my ass, Eagle One. The USS  Laffey should be in the area. Probably should contact them and vector those seamen in." "Roger. Eagle One to Laffey, How Copy?"

A signal got through clearly. "This is the Laffey, Eagle One. Go ahead!""Eagle One, we got an unknown vessel below our position. Appears be crewed by Elves. Most likely a slight differentiation of the Night Elves. Wanna meet 'em?"

A sigh is heard before a response came though. "Aye... We will be on station in fifteen. Keep that CAP up." "Eagle One, Roger." The two Prowlers kept their circling, with Eagle One waving the wings of his aircraft.

On the boat(because I call it a 'fucking boat' compared to US Destroyers), Vereesa kept observing, carefully not drawing her bow, with Thayra not exactly pleased at being circled like vultures by the weird flying machines. Though a lookout called out, gathering both women's attention. "Ship approaching! Starboard!"

The USS Laffey, in all her speed and glory, was approaching rapidly, but it was slowing down. The communications officer aboard the warship spoke through the radio. "Eagle Squadron, please inform the America that we have it under control now. Enjoy the flight back." "Eagle One and Two copies. Good luck, Laffey." The captain chuckled. "They are still OUR flyboys."

The bridge crew chuckled before the captain pulled out the mic piece and spoke. What the elves didn't expect at all was a voice coming at them from the ship approaching. "This is the USS Laffey of the United States Navy! You are currently in restricted waters! Slow to a crawl and prepare to be boarded."

Vereesa sighed. "At least they didn't attack..." Thayra wasn't amused, and gripped her hilt as she issued  orders as the boat slowed as the sails were brought up. After a moment, the American warship came to the side of the Thalassian vessel, with a ramp brought down from the Americans. Marines were posted, armed, but safety's on.

Thayra, for her part, was not happy and wanted to storm up the ramp. "Who makes demands for a vessel to be boarded!? We need to reach the Americans-" "You have found them, and be careful. I'll have to file this report, and I'd rather not get chewed out by the Admiral." A man in his late 30s walked down the ramp with two Marines flanking him. "Name's Captain Hopper. To whom am I speaking too?"

Thayra cleared her throat. "Captain Thayra of the Thalassian Navy. Or what's left of it." Vereesa stepped forward, clearing her throat. "I'm Captain Vereesa of the Farstriders. We've been tasked in obtaining your people's help in free our nation from the Undead Scourge."

Hopper frowned slightly before sighing. "Follow me. I'll get you in touch with the President and you can explain your case." The group ascended the ramp, with both sides' naval infantry and marines staring each other down, daring the other to make their days....

Heyo! Yep, I'm forcing the issue of the Elves. Should the Americans help them, or should they be left to their fate? Your choice.

Anyways, I'm planning to throw something in that y'all may enjoy in the next chapter, but you will see when it is published in roughly 2 weeks. Anywho, hope you enjoyed so far!

The Roar of the Eagles: AmericaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz