"Oh you're such a turd," Lizzy sang.

"Oh yeah a giant turd," Sophia sang.

"And you look like a turd," Lizzy sang.

"And you smee-eee-eeeelll like a tuuurrrd," Sophia sang.

Everyone just looked at them with a strange look.

"What?" Sophia said, laughing.

"What the heck was that?" Michael asked.

"You haven't heard of The Giant Turd song?" Sophia asked.

"uh no," Sierra said.

"Oh well. It's an iconic song by my favorite band Big Time Rush," Sophia said.

"You two are so strange," Luke said, laughing.

"See what I mean Luke," Hunter said, rolling his eyes.

"Well they are your best friends," Luke said looking at Hunter.

"Yeah, I know. I have no idea how I am friends with them," Hunter said, joking.

"I am offended," Sophia said putting her hand on her heart.

Lizzy scoffed and said, "me too."

"I'm kidding. I love you guys," Hunter said walking over to them and putting his arms around their shoulders.


Lizzy and Hunter were in the living room with Michael and Sierra. Luke was in the kitchen with Sophia.

"Are you ready?" Luke asked her. Sophia nodded.

"No, Sophia be honest with me," Luke said looking at her.

"Well honestly no but I have to tell them," Sophia said, looking at the ground.

"Soph, look at me," She looked up at him, "It's going to be fine. If you have any trouble just look at me and I will help you out ok?" Luke said.

"Ok. Thank you, Luke," Sophia said.

"Yeah, no problem, Sunshine," Luke said, smiling at her.

Luke walked into the living room with Sophia right behind him.

"Liz, Hunter, I have something I need to tell you guys," Sophia said and walked to sit on the couch by Sierra. Luke and Michael were across from her.  Lizzy and Hunter were on the floor. Why? Because they liked sitting on the floor.

Lizzy and Hunter looked at her waiting for her to go on.

"Ok, so you know how I have been feeling sick and have been feeling weak and sore?" They both nodded at her.

"So um yeah there's a reason for that," She started saying.

How am I going to tell my two best friends that I have cancer? It is going to break their hearts. What if they leave me? I mean why would they want to be friends with a sick girl who could possibly die?

Sophia had tears in her eyes. She looked up at Luke and Michael and mouthed to them, "I can't do it."

Luke and Michael got the message. They knew it would be hard for her to tell them.

"What she is trying to say is that she has, cancer," Luke said and Michael continued by saying, "Specifically Ewing Sarcoma. She is only in Phase 1 and I am optimistic that she will be able to beat it but it will be a rough journey and she is going to need you guys."

Lizzy and Hunter were shocked. That was definitely not something they expected. But I mean who would? Lizzy immediately got up and walked over to Sophia. Hunter on the other hand got up and ran out of the house. Michael and Luke looked at each other.

"I'll go. Stay with Soph and Lizzy," Michael whispered to Luke.

"Sophia, I am so sorry. You don't deserve this at all. If you ever need anything always know that I will be here. Need someone to cry with? I am your girl. Need someone to laugh with to get your mind off of it? I will be that person. Just know I am here and will be fighting beside you to beat cancer. Honestly, cancer can just fuck off," Lizzy said crying and hugging Sophia.

"Thank you so much, Liz," Sophia said, crying and hugging her back.

"Wait, where did Hunter go?" Sophia asked after a few minutes.


Hunter ran out the front door but he just sat on the porch.

My best friend since 4 years old who means the absolute world to me has cancer. She can't die. What would I do without her? I need her. I always thought about how one day we both were going to have kids and our kids would be best friends with each other but if she dies before then that's never going to happen.

"Why is the universe so fucking cruel? Why do the good ones always have the worst luck but not the bad ones? You know the ones that actually deserve it? Sophia is too sweet and innocent to have this shit keep happening to her," Hunter said and started to cry.

"I don't know, buddy. Life is just so unfair," Michael said and sat down next to Hunter.

Hunter didn't look up but he did say, "I dint realize anyone followed me out."

"I didn't think you would want to be alone. You probably need someone to talk to and there's no better person than Sophia's doctor," Michael said.

Hunter stayed quiet for a few seconds and then spoke up again, "Is she going to die?"

Michael was not prepared for that question. He can't promise anything because to be honest, he wasn't 100% sure she wasn't going to die. He wishes he could be though.

"I can't promise that she won't. I am going to do everything I can to make sure that she will be alive for many years. Hunter, I need you to do something. I know you are terrified of losing your best friend. I am terrified of losing the little girl that I see as a little sister. But Sophia is more terrified than any of us. She is the one sick. She is the one who will be going through the treatments that I can say will be brutal for her. What Sophia needs is a support group. You are part of that group. You need to be strong for her when she isn't. You need to be there for her when she needs her best friend. Whether she needs you to rant to or she just wants you to help her get her mind off the fact that she is sick. You need to be there. I will let you sit with that for a little bit," Michael said, patting Hunter's back and going back inside.

Hunter let Michaels's words sink in for a few minutes. Then it hit him what he needed to do so he got up and ran back inside and right over to Sophia.

"Sophia, you are my best friend. You have always been there for me. When I got injured and couldn't play baseball for a year you were there for me and told me that everything was going to be ok. I am now going to do the same for you. I am so sorry that you have to go through this but I am going to be right beside you the entire time and when you kick cancer's butt I will be there. I will be there for you when you are in pain. I will be there when you have your good days. Whenever you need me I am there. I promise I will not leave your side, ever. I love you so much, Sophia," Hunter said and pulled Sophia in for a tight hug.

He was never going to leave her side. He was going to be there for his best friend no matter what.

"Thank you, Hunter. I love you so much more," Sophia said, now crying at what he said.

She was afraid that he was going to leave her but now she knows he won't. She is so glad that her friends will be at her side through this fight.

Never Let Go ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora