Can't Live Without You

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[A/N: Phew, after those heavy chapters how about some warm and fuzzies?! After the events in the Chasm, Xiao suddenly collapses with a high fever. Zhongli reveals this has happened once before. Lumine's btw singing "Herritors of Arcadia", one of my favorite Fire Emblem ost.]


The evening air was welcomingly cool as a soft breeze caressed the trees and grass, crisp and green. The citizens and traveling merchants alike hurry to their homes and hotel rooms. Meanwhile a lone blonde woman with honey amber eyes, a boy with brilliant golden vermillion wings, and the small silver haired celestial fairy were leaving the newly built yaksha shrine behind them. The poor blonde's eyes were puffy and red from crying so long for most of the afternoon as they went to Bubu Pharmacy to have Lumine's condition looked at, instantly getting the order to stay home for a few days. Paimon having left, screaming, "Freeedom!!" and something about an all you could eat buffet. "Typical floating annoyance...but I admit the fresh air and seeing the stars is a relief again."thought Xiao with a fond smile watching Lumine humming a melody. He had been given a second chance and was taking Yanfei, Yelan, and Shinobu's words to heart. Though for a split moment everything began to swerve and spiral in and out of focus making him grunt as he slowed rubbing his eyes. He was feeling very off since his mask had broken.

Lumine soon noticed pivoting around on her heel to face him, blinking her eyes curiously. "Xiao are you alright? You look a bit pale."she asked in concern.

"I'm fine, just thinking."he softly assured her. Lumine didn't look so convinced considering he too had cried on the way here. Finding out he had lost everyone had hit him brutally like a punch to the gut. While human medicine didn't work on Xiao he had been surprisingly obedient and had let Baizhu look at his injured wing, which indeed had been broken as Xiao had suspected.

"About Bosacius?"Lumine softly pressed, taking his hand in her petite hands. Concern showed as Xiao began to cough, covering his mouth. It was very faint but she could see traces of his karma bare its fangs. Xiao had pushed himself way over his limits looking haggard and exhausted. "He looks like he could sleep for a week."she thought, offering him a tender, comforting smile when he gave no reply.

"No. I'm—Hm?"Xiao looked over at spotting the familiar sight of the tall handsome former archon talking with the storyteller. "Lumine, look over there at the Third Round Knockout." He quickly pointed out.

"Hey, it's Mr.Zhongli. Perfect, we can ask him if he really was the one to save you back there."Lumine smiled, taking his hand to tug him along, making Xiao yelp in protest. "Hey! Mr.Zhongli~!"

Zhongli and the storyteller looked over at hearing the consultant being beckoned by the greeting of the blonde Traveler. Xiao was swift to get as much distance as he could from the storyteller at seeing no vision of his person. Comically looking like some cornered, scared cat sulking on the other side of the patio. "Oh well he's in the city at least, that's a start."Lumine thought, crossing her arms and shaking her head in amusement. Zhongli seemed equally amused but there was understanding in his wise amber eyes.

"Oh it's you two, Lumine and Xiao."Zhongli warmly greeted.

"The lustrous Lady Traveler and Lord Yaksha, forgive my rudeness, welcome to Third Round Knockout."greeted the storyteller. Concern on the man's face as he spotted how antsy and tense Xiao was but also the countless injuries wrapped and bound between the couple each respectively. "Are you both alright? You're both injured."


"Oh we're fine, just a run in with a geop vishap in the Chasm for my work."Lumine dismissed glancing at Zhongli who understood the slight white lie as Lumine took a seat. "I was hoping to talk with you, actually Zhongli."

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