The Shadowing- Starcrossed Paths

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Leonora loves…. Leonora loves..’, cooed Zoe Deluro as her long mahogany locks cascaded down her shoulders, enveloping themselves in her athletic arms. Her heart throbbed against its sturdy rib cage as the blood rush could be felt seeping out of her ears. She knew it was coming and she knew it BAD. Her cheeks were flushed a baby pink that bubbled into a rosy red that coloured out her zits.

Ever since the prima donna age of 6,Zoe Deluro has experienced the abnormal ever since she first lifted her groins to her hips for battement tendue and even when she summed up conversation with lively, quirky people. She knew they were back, silently waiting to assert their rights and stamp their feet on the ground. She was a peculiar child, constantly bickering in a high, shrilly pitch to the invisible air. However, no one ever knew what had gotten into her. She was a mediator,a part of the gifted seekers Father Henrier had claimed.

Zoe! Zoe! Dinner’s ready .Jesus, honey! Hurry up!’, wailed Mrs. Torrez .I fumbled with my metallic silver diamond cut top which accentuated my body, hugging it as if it were ready to swallow it. Suddenly, he came. He came through the wall, floating against the peaceful ambience with his black tie strikingly demonic against his black tux. ‘Hey Rob, I was expecting you’ whispered my electric voice as his responded with a tenor, ‘Listen, I need to talk’. I sat perched comfortably on my violet coloured quilt as his figure froze onto the spot .He took my fingers in his before he choked out, ’Listen, I think we need to end this. This overpowering and shadowing another soul’s body is a curse I have to deal with. Leave it, Zo!I think it’s time for me to go’.

My heart hammered further as I my hair stood dead straight in goose bump epilepsy. ‘You...You...Want to end this? Why? What did I do? Why, cried the agony in my voice chords. He shushed me as I protested,’Listen, its time I progress to the next world. That light is following me. I cant take up a humans body in daylight just to be with you’, he muttered anger rising in his voice. My turmoil ended as I shouted,’ You put me through all this for what?. To GO! You’re a beastly coward. You covet other girls and dump them, just like me. I am want of your marionettes.’

‘You’re a failure for not asserting your rights, Rob!’, laughed my soprano voice as I threw myself onto the heart of the four-poster gilded bed. The anger, only rose further as he took my fist and pulled me toward his lithe-figured space as I stumbled and landed flat on his chest. We were both heaving in ecstasy at the electricity that sparked and lit except he mouthed, ‘Stop it! I CAN’T DO THIS! NEITHER CAN YOU.YOU’RE A FREAK, DEAL WITH IT!’.I shoved him aside as the anger that subsided coincidentally erupted which caused me to flounder at him. Throwing my bag against my injury-prone back, I skidded across the hallway into the erratic scenery present before me.

The mahogany bookshelf stacked with alphabetically ordered books dimmed in contrast to the ravenous red of the dining room. My mum threw me the square-tipped Little Mermaid Tupperware before stammering a ‘Bye’ under her breath. I sank into synchronisation with the other footsteps that thundered the St.Matthews hallway. Hunched over my lecture books, a black figure darted across me before it sent its magnetic waves to knock me over and land onto a guy. A new ,rather flirtatious hot male as I’d say.

His face could have been sculpted from the Grecian descriptions or the Grecian century as I’d recalled. The blue eyes that swam across thousands of oceans; the acute nose; the tight-lipped mouth of betrayal; the Hercules styled wave-like hair and the granite splitting jaw line could have easily been ignored only till its secrets were revelled upon. He stuck his long, graceful fingers out as he muttered, ’Hi, I’m Shay. The new kid. You must be? ‘.My mouth was popped open as my frozen figure heated back to life with the usual violinist fingers meeting the long ones of Shay. ’Hi, I am..I ..‘m.Sorry. Zo or Zoe’. He gleamed in pride as his blazer blew across due to the whip of the air, taunting my thoughts before he signalled to me. ’Umm, I kinda gotta go. See you later’.

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