6- A graceful dinner

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Xiao's POV:

Me and Ganyu arrived early before the other's came. Ganyu already invited enough friends, I hope they won't chat so loud. Last time, Ganyu invited her friends over to our house, they we're playing truth and dare downstairs. I heard them chat loudly, while I covered my ears with my pillow. They would play truth or dare downstairs, I would hear them screaming loudly, while I was peacefully trying to sleep in my bedroom. I looked around the restaurant, the lights shine, the table was clean, the walls were polished, but some people started to take videos and pictures of us as me and Ganyu walked by. I'm happy that quarter of the percentage in the this restaurant adores me and Ganyu. I didn't agree to come here, but Ganyu just dragged me in the car and the person (who was hired to drive us to school every morning and drive us anywhere we want) drove off without me giving her permission to take me there. I sat angrily in the limo, as Ganyu started to rest her head on her hand. Her elbow was on the edge of the car door near the window. She looked out of the window, while it was pouring water. It was slightly awkward during the entire ride, nobody said something. At. All.

We finally arrived and the driver pressed a button to open the door automatically so we can get out if we're allowed to. The doors were hard to popes, so Father asked the company if they could replace some of the buttons to what he recommended. I walked out of the car, as Ganyu stumble over her feet. The walls were polished, pure white, barely any stains. (Which was surprising) The front had a luxurious entrance, a red carpet and a automatic door, it was kind of cool when you finally see the interior. The alter with the menu was standing right in front of us, Ganyu started to state the details of the table she reserved. The waitress lead us towards the table, sadly, there wasn't much windows in this restaurant. But seeing some around, they are extremely wide and tall and they had 3 panels in each window, they were always stuck together. Ganyu was pretty excited about the her first dinner in a fancy restaurant with her friends, so she was tapping the table, whistling. She seemed impatient.

After 10 minutes..

Every body arrived, even Childe. He was most likely flirting with my Father, I could hear him talking on the phone while we were having dinner. I glared at him, then I calmed down and set my eyes on Aether. He wasn't talking and starting a conversation, and he fiddled with his fingers. He wasn't the type to randomly start a conversation, I'm aware, Aether was sitting in front of me, he was sitting on the long red couch while I sat on a modern, white and black chair. I was about to speak, then the Waitress came to take our orders. Maybe, it wasn't the right time to speak. I ordered the Almond Tofu, since it seemed delicious. Father wouldn't allow us to enter the kitchen to grab food for ourselves, so the chefs always say's to not enter the kitchen to get snacks. 'Your Father told all of us' the chef always repeats that, I sigh. Finally I get to eat what I want, I sit down waiting for my order, I keep seeing Aether fiddling with his fingers or he's playing with his hair. The service isn't as fast, compared to the service in the house. I unzipped my black bag and take out my phone, there was no point in texting, so I decided to prank text Aether. I quickly searched up his name, it appeared with one person I was looking for. My name isn't Xiao, so it's easy to get away with it. It was on Instagram, I saw Aether take his phone from beside him. I quickly received a notice from Instagram, it seems that he followed me back.


AlmondTofu: Hello
Aether^: Hi! What do you need?
AlmondTofu: I want you.
Aether^: What?

Back in reality..

I saw Aether looking flustered at the phone. I chuckled softly and went back to texting.

Aether^: Please, don't bother me if you don't need anything.
AlmondTofu: No worries, anyways, I know you.
Aether^: Huh? I'm sorry, but what's your name?
AlmondTofu: You'll have to find out yourself, princess.
Aether^: Please don't call me that!
AlmondTofu: Alright, Alright. What do want me to call you?
Aether^: Nothing!
AlmondTofu: Then stick with Princess.
Aether^: Fine.
Aether^: I have to go, my food's here.
AlmondTofu: Oh really? See you then.

Back into reality...

I look back at Aether's face, he looked concerned. Also, flustered. The waiter placed down my plate of Almond Tofu in front of me, it seems like Aether had Sushi and some onigiri. How interesting. I quietly picked up my spoon, then Ganyu grabbed my hand before placing the spoon inside. She mumbled, 'Xiao, wait for the other orders to come then we can eat.' I hate it, that's because we always have to wait for other's order before eating ours. I nudged Ganyu while she was walking back to her seat, she looked at me with a stern look on her face. She walked towards me and bent down, 'Xiao, you're acting a bit rude today. Be more nicer, guests are around,' she demanded. I looked around for a moment, she leaned back to a straight position, and started walking away. I sigh and crossed my arms, I watched as all of them chat and the only one who wasn't eating yet were me and Aether. I don't understand why Aether wasn't eating, but I guess he has a reason.

5 minutes later..

All the food was here, lying all in front of us. I finally pick up my spoon and shoved it inside the Tofu, I watched it bounce around while I stabbed it. It almost made me laugh, but I kept myself restrained. I grabbed my spoon and slowly put it in my mouth, it melted it my mouth, and it felt delicious. Maybe this is going to be my favourite food for the rest of my life.

Aether's POV:

I received my order, Sushi and Onigiri. I preferred it most than the others, I thought back to the conversation I had with this guy named, 'AlmondTofu.' He seemed like the flirty type, but he seemed calm. I also noticed that he said he knew me, is he a stalker? I kept that in my mind, it was making my mind crazy. But, Lumine hated when I ate without her, and I'm not really hungry right now. So I kept my food in front of me while they chat. I looked at Xiao, it seems he isn't eating as well, and Ganyu looked mad while speaking to Xiao. Did he do something wrong? I stared at his food, is that Almond Tofu? Interesting, that person who texted me was named 'Almond Tofu.' Maybe they love almond tofu as well? After a while, we already started eating,  I munched on the Onigiri, the rice tasted so nice and the tuna felt good in my mouth. I felt like I was in heaven, I ate some sushi after, they seemed normal. They always stayed the same, but these sushi were shaped into little hearts. It was adorable! I picked one up and examined it, the shape was perfect. I now can tell how this restaurant gets so much customers, all of the food is made to perfection.

After all of them ate...

I look back on the phone, I could see Xiao looking at his as well. It seems he was busy. Then ginger haired male shouted from the end of the table,

'Hey Xiao! What'd you have?' He shouted really loudly,
'Back off.' I looked towards Xiao's direction looking surprised, I've never thought he was this harsh towards others!?
'Awh, is Xiao acting like a cat now? Meow! So feisty as ever.' he said it playfully, was Childe always like this?
'Shut up idiot, at least I don't flirt with your father.' He snapped back,
' WOW, you expose me in front of everybody I see..' he was in a mood and he was in anger.
I stand up, looking at both of them,
'You guys better stop fighting!' I shouted angrily,
Lumine was astonished by what she'd seen, and Ganyu was as well. I could see their faces from the other side.
'Oh, so the cutie is joining us now? How adorable.' Childe stared at me,
I was worried, was it not my business to join this conversation?
'Leave him alone.' I could see he was demanding Childe to leave me alone.
'Or what? Meow?' He kept going with the 'meow's' and stuff,
'I'll destroy you.' Xiao seemed irritated.
Then finally Ganyu stepped in,
'You guys are disrespectful to each other! You're embarrassing yourself in public!' She warned them,
'I'm disappointed in you both, Aether and Lumine, you're staying at ours.' She demanded, but we have a house!?
Lumine looked concerned,
'But, Ganyu, we have a house?' Lumine replied,
'I know Lumine, but Childe is dangerous. Only Hu Tao feels weird around him.' Ganyu immediately seemed angry enough,
'Since we have high defence in our area, I will ask the guards to defend the front gate.'
Lumine looked surprised and worried, while I had a mix of emotions.
'Just letting you know, he's a psycho when this happens. It's sometimes because of Scaramouche or just himself, originally.'

Xiao and Ganyu grabbed our hands and dragged us outside. The Limo was already waiting there, Xiao seemed irritated enough. Ganyu didn't like the idea of inviting Childe. So she thought of un friending him, plus he's dangerous when it comes into situations like this.

1658 words

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐆𝐎; genshin impact;MODERN AUWhere stories live. Discover now