Devastation of A God

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Tangxing swung her fist around, it went through something cold. A wind got picked up due to her blow. Hastily clutching the vail in her other hand, she whooped around and kicked hard. The taller male prevented the foot from hitting his ear by blocking it with both his hands. The wind blew harder, this time in the direction of her kick.

"My! My! look at you. Picking up a storm in your ugly tantrum." Shadow smirked, grabbing the fist, aimed at his abdomen. This move might have rendered Tangxing helpless years ago, but not today. Shifting her entire body weight against the captured wristed, she hoisted her body up in a flash and bashed her knee into his face. The wind grew out to turn into a frenzy gale, changing directions every time she punched and kicked. The lake water crashed noisily into the shore around them, the dried tree gnawing against the harsh cold blow. Shadow took another knee kick in and twisted her wrist in the opposite way, flipping her onto the ground. She gasped at the sharp pain which resonated throughout her body, from the back of her head. Mindlessly she grabbed Rudong and slashed. But he caught the whip and yanked her up to kick her into the snow again. Tangxing refused to lay low. She gripped the root, stabilising herself and landed a round house kick into his left flank. A fist landed on her ribs. She launched a chop at his chest. Shadow quickly filled the gap in and held her in a choke-hold, raising her enough to make her feet dangle a foot above the ground. She clawed at his wrists, struggling to breath.  

"I had warned you." he growled. "Don't blame me if they die for such a useless disappointment. You had just one good useful thing in you but turns out it was not as special as I expected it to be. Just a mere addition of cores. Tsk, why did you even start breathing? Would have been better to remain a still born rather than such an excuse of a daughter in an excuse of a fam-"

"You just cannot talk trash about my family!" she screamed, face red, raising her legs high up, enough to strike a powerful kick on his ear. 

Both of them fell down into the snow in a heap, but were quick to get up on their feet. Shadow lunged at the hand which had grasped the ashes in a death grip. Realising she did not have any pockets, she promptly stuffed it into her mouth and swallowed the vail in a visible gulp. Her throat tightened around it and she felt it burn its way down to her stomach.

Was that a good move? 

Maybe... because,

Shadow stopped short and stared daggers at her. Well no one had ever swallowed in ashes before and Tangxing had assessed the vail as something strong enough to withstand gastric acids. So she must be fine.

"You!!!" Shadow roared, reaching out, grabbing a fistful of her hair and shook her head to make her heave it out. Tangxing threw back a tough head butt which crashed down on Shadow's nose. He let go of her hair to clutch his nose and staggered back. It was the first time she was able to hit his face home successfully. Taking this moment of vulnerability to her advantage, she kicked again, right into his mouth. He fell down into the snow. Tangxing was astonished. Was he always this weak? She knew he was good at dodging and holding her down but this...

She kicked into his guts once, twice, thrice and she got addicted to how he whimpered and yelped at each devastating, bone crushing kick. A sadistic smile etched up her cheeks, a chilling grin as she lifted her leg up and bashed her boot into his head. 

"I am done being what you wanted me to be!" She punctuated the statement with another kick into him. He tried to crawl away.

"I am done obeying you!" She kicked him again, grounding him into the snow.

"I am done being scared of you!" she kicked his face.

"I am done being nothing more than a vessel just carrying something!"  she yelled and kicked his face again.

Princess Xie Hua TangxingМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя