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There was a huge commotion outside The Great Martial Hall. Screams, thuds, and yells made The Emperor look up from his scroll and frown while a silly smile worked its way up on his face. 

"She is at it again?"

"Yes, the Crown Princess, Her Highness is at it again." Ling Wen snickered.

There was a loud THUD  and huge doors opened on its own with Heitiane flying in gracefully, tucking her huge black wings behind her forelegs, as she trotted up front to land smoothly on the tiled floor of the huge hall. Tangxing did not lose any time to dismount and walk up to the Emperor in long confident strides, her metal armour clinking lightly, her royal blue robes swishing, silver chained cape tinkling, fluttering, and she bowed deeply. The way Tangxing walked and presented herself nowadays always reminded Xie Lian of a knight in shining armour.   

"Your Majesty, the Vent has been cleared." she said with a humble smile.

"Tangxing, it takes ten minutes to reach there, and you have been away for twenty five." Xie Lian said, not surprised though.

"It was a small fry." She stepped aside and Heitiane dragged in the huge head, as big as a golden palace of a minor god, through the open doors of the Martial Hall, of a monster who might have come out through the Vent. Only the snout made through, leaving out the rest outside.

"A-Xing, you needn't bring back a head for every mission." Xie Lian laughed. It was twice as big as the last head she had brought back with her. 

Tangxing climbed up the head pretty easily and sat, knee upon knee on the tip of the snout. Killing such a monster with as much ease as to touch one's own nose is something of a big dream of most gods. The Hall was quiet. Nobody dared to speak against her. None of the loose mouthed officials, who years ago would not have thought twice before passing offhanded comments about her, dared to say anything. Her strength alone scared them enough to behave themselves perfectly. If she were to ask them to fall on their knees and bark, they would not hesitate if that would keep them on her good books.

What they did not know is that they were all in red underline in her book of trash.

"What else did you get to know in the Northern region?" Ling Wen asked, brush ready to note down the information.

"The beef-bone stew was absolutely delicious." Tangxing said, nodding seriously.

"About the Vent." Ling Wen pointed out.

"Oh, it closed up on me. Given the pattern we expect it to open in the West." She said without delay.

Quan Yizhen perked up. "When exactly?" Ling Wen asked again.

"Wang Shu is yet to confirm the estimation, but think about a few days?" 

"This calls for a meeting." Pei Ming said, walking into the open space, "Amongst the 7 martial gods. Others may please leave."

"I have forest spirits to mark." Tangxing said, hurriedly getting off the monster head and about to flee. She hated the thought of a prolonged sitting time with her uncles. But Feng Xin caught her by the cuff of her robes, and successfully held her back, only because she did not resist.

"Nah, you ain't running away!" He chided.

"I doubt that. Last time you said that, one of my junior officials found you chomping on lamb skewers in the Eastern Centre with that boy-toy of yours." Pei Ming smirked.

"Wait, General Pei, why were you tailing A-Xing?" Mu Qing squinted his eyes with suspicion. 

"First, Wang Shu is my adviser. And please, the last time you said you were busy, you were warming up in bed." Tangxing sighed in a matter of fact manner, ignoring Mu Qing's death stare at Pei Ming. 

Princess Xie Hua TangxingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora