The Water Abyss

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Tangxing wiped her brow before lunging forward again, slashing Rudong. Yin Yu blocked each and every strike with his sword before he could land his own. Tangxing used her vambrace to block but the hit was accompanied by a hand seal. She groaned in pain, whirled Rudong around and flipped back effectively creating distance. Her stance was perfect and graceful as she attacked again.
Hua Cheng sat on the bench with E-Ming, eye fixed on her, and clapped when they eventually stopped at a draw. Yin Yu was breathing a bit roughly but Tangxing was completely out of breath, they have been sparring since morning and this one lasted a bit more than an hour.
"Little Lady has improved, no injury sustained." Yin Yu praised.
"Shizun, praise me more!" she said gleefully.
"I won't." he quickly said. Right after being praised, Tangxing had an annoying habit of going overboard.
"It was beautiful." Hua Cheng came up and patted her head. She leaned into the pats and almost purred,
"Do I get meat mantou then?"
"Did you not get one this morning?"
"I am hungry."

Her spiritual communication buzzed and Xie Lian's voice chirped, "A-Xing, I need you to come up now. New assignment!"
At the word assignment, she perked up. Quickly she bowed to Yin Yu, pecked softly at her father's cheek and left for the Heaven.

"Children grow up fast, huh." Hua Cheng sighed as he watched Tangxing roll her dice to a pair of sixes and leave.
"Yes, they do." Yin Yu agreed.

Things have settled down pretty well after a few years of her ascension. People of the Centre have accepted her as their martial god pretty well, 'It is because they know I am your daughter, and if they become troublesome, A-Die might just go and burn down their towns till they pray me to protect them!' Tangxing had wailed once. Her statues were beautifully crafted, one sitting on a large cherry blossom holding Heiren upright in front of her, another one maneuvering Rudong, with the whip arched gracefully all around her, other one with Yu locking on a target. Few were more feminine, swinging gracefully on a swing wearing exquisite flowing robes, or touching silver butterflies as they fluttered around her. Her personal favourite was the one in the middle of an aggressive spar, Heiren in her right hand, Rudong in her left, eyes deadly, a short smile, confidence overflowed from her perfect stance. That one was crafted by Hua Cheng. After her ascension, he spent more time in his studio, painting and curving statues of his daughter(which Tangxing found cute and slightly creepy) and husband. Most of Xie Lian's temples worshipped him and Hua Cheng as one entity. Those temples added another statue, of their beautiful teenager, in between them. The murals told tales of her mischievous childhood, her duel with General Pei(a much more graceful version), her love for food and weapons.

Goddess Xie Hua Tangxing was well accepted and welcomed in the mortal realm.

"Villages and towns by the river Yuji, intertwining in and out of yours and General Pei's territory have been sending a lot of prayers to me about sudden drop in fish count and rise in drowning cases. So..." Xie Lian started. The Hall was empty and the crown on his head looked heavy. He was obviously tired, but he refused to let Ling Wen handle everything on her own like she had to before. And Ling Wen was grateful about the Emperor's support.

"I will go and investigate then." Tangxing offered, smiling widely.

"With someone from the north." Xie Lian added.

"That being...?" Tangxing thought about it. Chances were low that General Pei himself would be there, and if it is one of his men, she would rather go alone, than with those burly narcissist men.

Right then, there were footfalls to be heard.

"Your Majesty, you summoned." Pei Su bowed, standing right next to Tangxing.

"With General Pei Su" Xie Lian smiled at them. Their fighting styles complemented each other no matter how much they denied it. Tangxing preferred her whip, a perfect wide range weapon to distract the powerful beasts ten times her size, and Pei Su was exceptionally skilled at his sword, and could strike the finishing blow.

Princess Xie Hua TangxingWhere stories live. Discover now