Recovering The Trauma

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The Ghost Doctor came out of the examination room, looking rather grim. Silently she gestured to the worried-sick parents towards another consulting room. Once they were seated on the cushions, surrounded by candle lights, the Doctor ran her fingers through her note book paper and sighed deeply.

"I pray never to see such a case like this again." 

"Stop procastinating and spill it already." Hua Cheng snapped. 

Once they had reunited at the mountain foot, Tangxing had lost consciousness. Panicked, they had brought her in to the Doctor in Ghost City immediately, who also happens to have aided in her birth. She locked herself with Tangxing in her examination room as soon as her eyes fell on her, screaming at them for being so late. And they had remained there for three hours. Xie Lian had remained calm, but Hua Cheng could not sit still. For three hours he was paced up and down the corridor- almost wearing the soles of his boots off.

"In the first place, bones. Almost all her bones are fractured. Multiple cracks on her skull, ribs, and collars. The ones which had been broken have healed so badly that the alignment is completely off. So I had to break them again and align them properly."

Xie Lian gripped his robes tight and Hua Cheng clenched his teeth, bracing themselves to hear the report whole.

"Secondly, her nails, they are extremely soft, meaning her fingers had been de-nailed recently and noting the scars on her finger tips, this has happened a lot of time. Thirdly, it is too late for eye transplant, she will have to make do with her single one. Fourthly, her internal organs are damaged, poisons and venoms are suspected. Her vocal chords have also been damaged beyond repair. That hoarse voice can only heal with time. Fifth, her taste buds are completely destroyed, some taste can be recovered through medication. Sixth, her stomach is also ruined, due to starvation. Seventh, she is completely sleep deprived. So, it would be better if she takes sleeping pills, and sleeps in a toddler form, or the youngest possible in which she can at least speak, to sleep peacefully. A nightmare potion is also recommended. Eighth..." the doctor paused and shuffled.

They felt numb from holding too tight. 

Why was this happening?

"Please, do not stop." Xie Lian urged. It was already this bad. How much worse could it be? But the Doctor looked like she could not decide what she should say. Slowly she raised her head and said,

"Her cultivation has been tainted."

Both of them blinked in confusion. Gradually it sank in...

Tangxing's cultivation was unique since she already had a developed core. Should something happen to her body in a way she loathed it, in a way that she did not wish, a forceful non-consented approach, her spiritual reserve will plummet. 

"It explains her all  the bruises." The doctor said.

Xie Lian bit his lip so hard that it bled. Hua Cheng looked as if he got hit by a ship. The Doctor fidgeted, not understanding whether she should continue or not. There was a rather uncomfortable silence.

"Can we see her now?" Hua Cheng asked, voice cracking. He just wanted to be with her now, hold her close till she recovers.

"Looking like this is the end of the world? No." the doctor said firmly.

Hua Cheng was taken back. 

"Now that everything is over, Little Lady will be unstable for quite some time. She is deeply traumatised. She had successfully bottled it up till now, But it will resurface. If you two end up looking at her like that, she will be more hurt. She loves to see the people she cares for smile... So please... And yes. Be careful with touches. Also, try not to keep her alone. The scar on the neck is not because of one, but multiple sword strikes. She must have tried to terminate her life." 

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