Chapter XIII

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"Kim Yerim!" I shouted at her.

"What unnie? Did you really think it would be that easy for me?" Now that shocked me more.

"I- I'm not underestimating what you're feeling. I just... I thought..." Fuck this! "I can't remember anything from my past and I'm fucking confuse right now, but can we all just please have more understanding in this situation. All of you are hurt because of what happened and I'm really sorry for it, but we can't fix this if--" I was on the verge of crying again.

"Unnie, unnie! I was just acting! Fuck! don't cry..." Yeri said calming me down. Wait! She was what?!

"Yah!" I smack her in the head.

"Unnie! I swear to God, I'm telling Jimin. That hurt!" Yeri said, holding her head.

"As if Jimin can protect you from Joohyun unnie." I heard Joy said. "You deserve that. You made everyone here nervous as hell. I mean, the look on Seulgi unnie's face when you said that? God! Next time tell me when you do that again, I'll take a video." She finished. What the fuck?! How did Joy sink it all in that quick? and Yeri? How can she pull up something like that in this serious matter?

"I guess some things never really change." I heard Seulgi's mom said. I look at her.

"Auntie! I'm sorry for earlier." Yeri run to her. "I was just--"

"No need to explain, Yeri." Seulgi's mom hugged her. "I miss you little one." I saw a tear drop falling from the woman's eyes. The way she's hugging Yeri now, is making me want her hug too. She let's go of Seulgi's mom and went to her dad.

"My favorite uncle!" Yeri exclaimed.

"Come here, you child." Seulgi's dad said before pulling Yeri into a hug. Yeri look like she really misses them a lot. I wipe the tears falling from my eyes. I'm glad Yeri already got what she really needed for her to understand them.

"Joohyun dear." I heard my name being called. I smiled at Seulgi's parents and gave them a bow but to my surprise her mom gave me a hug. "I'm so sorry that we weren't there, but we were watching you from afar. You, Yeri, and Jimin have grown really strong. I'm proud of you. Again, we're so sorry." I couldn't help but tear up again. Even though I don't remember her I can feel really comfortable being embraced like this.

"Mom, you're making her cry again." We heard a soft voice say those words, that made us let go of each other. What did she just say?!

"I can bring you the buckets of tears she had shed after you left unnie, if you want?" Yeri said as she rolled her eyes. "You're talking as if you've never made her cry yet." I guess she's still mad... Yeri, you're confusing.

"Yeri, stop it." I said as I'm seeing a guilty Seulgi again.

"Oh! Auntie, you were right about some things don't change. Joohyun unnie being Seulgi unnie's protector, yet again." Yeri said with her arms crossed. Really?! Is this even true?

"Now, cut!" Joy startled me when she shouted. "Damn, Yerimah! You're so good. Should I post this? Maybe I should--"

"Wait, wait, wait!" This time I'm the one who shouted. "So you were just acting again?!" damn! Joy's right she's good but that doesn't change the fact that they're affecting Seulgi with what they're doing. "Kim Yer--Seulgi!" I was just about to scold Yeri when I saw Seulgi just dropped on the floor. I went to her. She's unconscious. What the fuck just happened?!

"Fuck! I forgot!" Joy run to Seulgi. "Uncle can we carry her to her room?" Seulgi's dad's just did what was told. They seemed a little calm seeing their daughter passed out, even Joy.

"Joy?" I asked her as we reached Seulgi's home.

"She's not sick unnie."


"She developed this thing when we left. She tends to collapse whenever she's really feeling so down. I didn't even understand it at first---" I cut her off.

"She is an Idol, Joy." I asked confused. Being an idol is more stressful than being an actor. If this started way before, how did she cope up with the pressure?

"We can't really stop her from doing what she wants to do Joohyun." This time her dad speak up. "Seulgi never really asked anything from us since she was a child, except for two favors and all of it was about you. I was never really against your relationship Joohyun, I love you for my daughter actually." not gonna lie, that really warms my heart. "When she asked us her first favor, shocked is an understatment to describe our reaction. Our daughter loves you so much for her to let you go, just so that you could go on with your career." he finished. What?!

"Wh-what do you mean?" I stuttered asking him that.

"Hon." Seulgi's mom held his dad's hand, trying to stop him from talking too much.

"No, please continue." I know they knew what really happened to us.

"Seulgi wanted us to look into the company you where in. She said she wanted to know something, that she was scared hearing from you." She said she was scared that I was gonna tell her--

"Just that night we heard from a source in your company that you and your manager just had an arguement about your relationship with Seulgi" Seulgi's mom finished. "We were told that you had to make a choice. You were just a rookie that time and Seulgi, she wants what's best for you." I honestly don't like what I'm hearing

"Wait Auntie!" Yeri exclaimed. "So you mean to tell me, Seulgi unnie, she knew the reason why Joohyun unnie was about to break up with he--"

"A break up wouldn't happen even if she stayed." Seulgi's dad said. Now this is really confusing. He looked at me. "Because Joohyun never really planned on breaking up with Seulgi." What!? But Seulgi said... "At first Seulgi left believing that Joohyun chooses her career over their relationship, and Seulgi said she understands that."

"But that's not the case isn't it?" Joy asked this time.

"No because the next day we called her, not knowing about your accident yet, to tell her that you didn't choose your career over her. We even told her that you just fired your manager, who made you choose such things." a lot of new things have been said, but at least now I totally get it. I finally get it.

"Let me guess? Even with that, she still stick on being away from me." I said. She wanted me to walk on my career path without issues or scandals. She knows how cruel the industry could be, before. It was just now, that people are starting to accept relationship like ours.

I understand what she had done, though a part of me wishes that she should've stayed and fought with me. I wish she could've understand how much I want to be with her, that time, to even choose her over my dream. Because even I, I know now how much I love this person before. I can feel it, even if I don't remember.

I look at the unconscious girl lying on her bed now. You lied but I get you...

"What's the next favor she asked from you." I look at Seulgi's parents.

"She wanted us to let her be an Idol, regardless of her condition. She said she wanted to do the things that you two planned for your future, even though you're not together anymore." Seulgi, are you even for real?

I walk to where Seulgi is and held her hand. I smiled as I intertwined it. My tears are still dropping.

"They never broke up though."  Yeri said and that hit me.

We never broke up.

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