A scare every mother dreads

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"S s slendy?" I look up at him and he looked broken his once strong stature had fallen to a limp balloon figure and his face even more paler then usual. I reached out to touch his hand but before I had a chance to do another thing he swept me up and rushed me downstairs. "SLENDY?! Slow down I wanna live" He carried on running, so fast, I could hardly see his legs. "I'm getting you to a hospital now y/n I need to make sure their safe" I swallowed my next sentence and realised I was now in the car being strapped in like a child by slenderman, and he was running around to the other side like a lunatic. I know he was scared but so was I and he was panicking me more I could feel my heart race increase as I watched the trees go past which was just a green and brown muggy blur, the hospital wasn't far but it felt like forever to get there, but finally I broke the ice in the car. "What if their gone? What do we d..." "Stop" I was cut off sharply which he shortly added after "Please y/n they have to be okay and I want you to know if they ... if they.. " His voice breaks and I reach out and grab his hand. "They'll be fine" He finished with and finally pulled upto the hospital. I opened the car door and before my foot touched the ground i was dragged into the hospital and placed onto a hospital bed and pushed into a room for examination. The doctor was a short, serious man who looked like turkey with his hair shape, he asked a bunch of questions however, I was in so much shock I couldn't answer. Slendy answered as much as he could as I led there hoping everything would be fine, and was dragged out of my thoughts by feeling cold gel on my tummy, it smelled horrible and made me gag a little. The doctor put the ultrasound to my tummy and said "Don't worry these things happen all the time turns out they are just taking a cat nap and kicked something to cause bleeding." His words comforted me but broke me a bit what if I wasn't cut out for this mother thing after all I considered a nap for a miscarriage?. The scanner went across my tummy and I could see the doctor look more and more distraught overtime and I felt slendys hand grasp mine as he spoke to my tummy. "cmon little one wake up now please... please" the doctor sighed and took the scanner off " Well I have some bad news".. My face dropped "You have to deal with your bladder getting booted for the next few months and a sleepy baby" My face and body relaxed "Oh thank god thank god" slendy kissed my tummy "You scare me again little one and I'll make sure you wont get any dessert for a month" I laughed "Slendy please your gonna spoil them" He hugged me and kissed my head "Yh now I have 2 sleepyheads on my hands" The doctor smiled and handed me a strip of photos which was the ultrasound photos which showed a cute little baby and it looked like they were holding their hand up waving "Thank you doctor" We both say and shortly after I feel so tired and Slendy lifted me up and took the photos carrying me back to the car and I smiled at the photos and kept laughing "Such a joker like their dad" I was given a look and a chuckle "Says the one who once thought it would be funny to replace my shampoo with yougurt" I laughed hard remembering that moment "hey how'd you know it was me?" He smiled and laughed and said "Because 1.) Jeff wouldn't dare do that since I'd hang him from his ankles on a tree and 2.) After I confronted you about it I heard you say God I wanna suck that off his dick as he calls me a slut and smeres it and his cum on my face. I blushed a bright red and held my tummy "Hey dont tell our child that I dont want them to think of me as a perv" "Oh I'm sure they will know" We arrived home and spent the whole day led in bed and I fell asleep within seconds feeling slendy rub his hand up and down my back and heard him whisper "My sleepyheads".

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