Hotel rooms reunited

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I burst out crying in the car and the driver turns up the music in the car. "Prick" I say and plug in my earphones and see go on my phone and book a room for the night not knowing how long I'd be gone and it was the hotel I always wanted to stay at. Hotel de blue. It was built by the harbour and on the top floor you could see the city lights which was of my favourite views. The driver pulls up outside the hotel and I climb out the car grabbing my bags and the driver says "Don't forget to give me a five star view sweetheart" And smiles a disgusting smile at me and I feel sick and say "I would but you know what they say, rate your experience and much like I'm sure your wife would agree, the experience was a thankfully a short one but full of regrets" His smile falls off his face and I slam his door shut and head inside the hotel to the reception and a woman who wore more makeup than there is in the whole Max factor line and I feel sick and tired after today all I want is to sleep. My phone starts ringing and I look and see its slendy so turn my phone on silent and let it ring. I ask if there is anyone who can help me with my bags and a greasy and frankly disturbing looking teenage came up to me and grabbed my bags and said to the woman at the desk. "Which room am I taking her to my queen" The woman handed me the keys and looked at him gagging and said "Call me queen again and I'll hit you so hard all your pimples will burst at once like bubble wrap, and its room 318" I laugh at what she said and he snarled at me and carried my bags to the elevator, pressing the button 3. I follow him and he walks fast, I could barely keep up with him and he started asking me lots of personal questions which were none of his business "Why are you here?" He said and I ignored him not having the energy to give this dirt bag my attention. "Are you a felon? You look like hell" I grit my teeth and see I'm near my room and tell him "Drop my bags at the door thanks" in an unkindly tone and he does so and holds out his hand for a tip and wiggles his eyebrows. I open my door placing my bags inside and step inside and say "Here's your tip, don't try act like you can score a girl looking like barbie downstairs when you look like jimmy neutron" I shut the door and smile at my comment. I look at my phone and see 38 missed calls, 20 voicemails and 100 messages. I read through and listened to the voicemails each one sounding more and more broken an desperate for me to respond. Just as im about to the phone rings again and I turn my phone off feeling tired and knowing this is for the best. I get into bed and fall asleep crying as my tummy hurts and I miss slendy so much. I hear something fall in my room and I wake up and turn the lamp on and see slendy at the end of the bed... "How did you find me?" I say sharply being angry I just got disturbed of my much needed sleep and feeling annoyed how he couldn't give me space to think. He walked over to me and sat on the bed and cuddled me tightly crying, "I I knew you always wanted to stay here and I followed your scent" I feel confused "My scent?" I say smelling myself and see he laughs a little "Yes little one you see when I catch the scent of something I like I can smell it from miles away" He says and goes to cup my cheek but stops mere inches away worried I would shove it away again, and I lean my head in his hand missing his touch, missing him. My slendy. "why did you do it?" He sighs knowing what I'm talking about "I had to protect you, I knew you'd be too scared to leave your parents if I asked you to leave with me and well I had to get you away from there, I love you and wanted you to come be with me where I knew you'd be safe so I knew I had to get them to agree to let you go so I went to go visit them when you left for school and I went and paid them a visit and told them they needed to let you come with me and how I loved you and what they were doing was wrong. But of course them wanting you as their punch bag, they refused and your dad threatened to kill me if i returned. I knew I had to get you out of there and if they weren't going to let you leave the easy way, I'd have to do it my way. Your my mate y/n and I want you to be with me forever. However, before I had a chance to introduce myself, you came back earlier than I expected and ran away and before I could catch up with you, you were falling off the cliff and I saved you and well you came to be with me... Please forgive me little one I can't live without you, I need you" I hug him tightly knowing what that meant and knew what he said was true and felt safe with him because he did it to protect me. He relaxed and wrapped his tentacles around me "I forgive you and I want to be your little one" He smiled and chuckled "You'll always be my little one" I felt so overwhelmed and cried. He pulled away slightly and wiped my tears and cupped my face. "Little one whats wrong?" I could barely speak not having the strength to tell him and reached into my bag and handed him the test and he stared at it "I its positive" I say "If you don't want to be with me or this is too much I understand but I" I'm interrupted by him kissing me deeply and I felt so warm and felt happy but confused still of what he wanted. "I'm gonna be a dad... Your gonna be a mama" He says happily and kept holding me tightly "Y your happy?" He pulls away and smothers my face in kisses "Of course I am kitten I always wanted a family with you" I smile and cuddle him tightly again and he notices I feel a bit sweaty and looked a bit pale from today "Come on princess" He said and he picks me up and carries me to the bathroom and runs me bath placing me on the counter and begins to undress me and I see him staring at my tummy and I knew he felt nervous so I placed his hand on my tummy and he smiled and said "Hi tiny one hehe Daddy loves you and mummy very much" And kissed my tummy which made me feel so happy. He got up and went into the bedroom and brought in a bag which he was carrying earlier, and pulled out a bath bomb which smelled like cookies and some soap, shampoo and conditioner which smelled like raspberries. I smiled and he placed me in the bath and washed my hair gently and body being extremely gentle with my tummy and I smile at how gentle hes being "I wont break baby" I giggle and he chuckles "I know little one but I just wanna be careful with you and make you feel relaxed" I relax and he picks me up out of the bath and slip on one of his shirts on me and make the bed all cosy and place lots of snacks on the bed, turning on Netflix and putting on cruella as I wanted to watch that movie. He carried me to bed and placed me in bed and spooned me and put his hand on my tummy and I ate some munchies and fell asleep being exhausted and I felt him kiss my cheek. "Nighty night little one and my tiny one" And fell asleep with me.

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