Chapter 12: Tomlinson

Start from the beginning

            A gasp left Lottie’s mouth and she immediately covered a spot on her chin then glared at her brother. “You take that back.”

            “No, it’s not my fault you weren’t blessed with perfect complexion like I was.” Louis flaunted his perfect skin by gently stroking the side of his face.

            “I’m going to kill you-“

            “No!” Daisy came scampering in and blocked the open space between the fighting siblings. “No killing! We don’t want blood spilt on the carpet!”

            “Take it outside!” Phoebe appeared beside Daisy and they stared intently at their older siblings then pointed to the door.

            “Outside!” They simultaneously shouted.

            “But it’s raining- I don’t want my hair to get frizzy.” Louis protested, not believing what his younger sisters were saying. Was he that bad of an influence?

            “I was just out there.” Lottie groaned and decided it would be best to drop it; she didn’t want things to get out of hand to the point where blood would be shed. That would have some complications occur, and mum wouldn’t be too happy.

+   +   +

            “Could you help me make supper?” Louis asked his sister, Fizzy.

            “Sure . . . what are we making?” she asked as Louis picked her up so that she sat down on the counter.

            “We’re going to be making baked ziti.” He smiled and set down a casserole pan onto the counter next to Fizzy.

            “Are you sure that you’re going to be able to cook something like baked ziti?” Fizzy asked as sudden fear filled her eyes and looked to the oven, remembering the last time her brother tried to cook something using the oven.

            “Oh I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Louis waved his hand but did have doubts. He knew very well the dangerous waters he was paddling into and swallowed down his worry with a puff of his chest.

            “I’m in charge of cooking; you stay away from that oven.” Lottie stabbed a wooden spoon into Louis’ side, forcing him out of the kitchen.

            “What? Why can’t I cook?” Louis asked and stood in the doorway to the kitchen looking dejected.

            “Exactly, you can’t cook. You just pay attention to Daisy and Phoebe while Fizzy and I cook the baked ziti,” Lottie gesticulated the wooden spoon around the air as she spoke. “We don’t need a repeat with the fire department, now do we?”

            “That was when I was ten!” Louis frowned deeply, not enjoying the patronizing he was receiving. One day, he was going to get back at his sister and it would be good. He might be disowned by mother, but it would be worth it.

            “You act ten!” Lottie returned and turned on the convection oven to warm it up, readying for the baked ziti and Louis watched with close eyes. He never really had gotten the hang of working the oven, it seemed alien to him.

            “Phoebe! Daisy! We’re going to play a game!” Louis hollered and walked down the hall to meet his sisters who were sitting at a short table with plastic tea cups, with some cakes they got from the cupboard.

            “But we’re already having tea.” Daisy commented as she held her cup at her lips.

            “Join us!” Phoebe spoke excitedly and got up to pull out a chair for Louis. “There you are Boobear.”

            “Why thank you Phoebe.” Louis smiled as he began to play posh.

            “That’s Princess Phoebe to you.” Phoebe played posh as well and sat down, adjusting her frilly tutu.

            “Now that everyone is seated, I have news,” Daisy began as she lifted her cup. “We’re going to take over the neighboring castle!”

            “How sudden!” Louis gasped as he feigned shock and smiled at his giggling sisters.

            “At dawn we ride!”

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