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The clank of Onyx’s boots echoed in the silence of the building as she ascended the staircase leading to the third floor. Arms swinging at her side, the matte fabric of her blazer swooshing softly, her gaze was predatory and focused, at the end of that hall was the person she had asked to meet in the dead of the night, knowing that nobody would be there to eavesdrop. The general leader Yoongi had been on her mind the entire time after her conversation with S.Coups, slowly growing to be the bad guy of the story in her eyes, on par with the status of the Red Scorpion. Her decision wavered between both of them, whom she should hate more, those who murdered her lover, or that who let it happen and buried the secret with his bones.

In front of the door of his study, she halted, talking a deep breath, steadying herself. The confrontation she was about to have was one that would shape her future, and the future of the people she held dear and close. In those moments, she understood her power and how much weight her decisions would hold. Onyx had come with stone cold determination that she would not let quiver. Her knuckles rapped thrice on the wooden door, before entering and closing it behind her. Yoongi was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, hands clasped behind his back, staring at the skyline of sparkling skyscrapers. He turned around at her annoucing herself at the foot of his desk, eyebrows up in surprise.

“Onyx, good to see you!"

“I hope I’m not intruding on your peaceful time, sir, but I have something urgent to discuss with you,” Onyx said, maitaining eye-contact.

“Sure, I’m listening,” he said, taking a seat, gesturing for her to do the same.

"Sir, our case with Mingyu Kim turned out to be larger than just a single target to eliminate, and we now have an official request to save his kidnapped father as well."

"Your squad leader updated me on this, yes,” Yoongi nodded, “What's the problem?"

“Our target seems to be the Red Scorpion gang,” Onyx said, crossing her legs. “I trust you’re familiar with them.”

Yoongi leaned back against his chair, an eyebrow shooting up. He confirmed her statement with silence, and she took that as a sign to keep going. Onyx had his attention, and now she had to shoot her shot.

“I need your permission to initiate Phantom X, multiple figures need to eliminated this time not just one."

His response was curt. “Denied.”

"It's the only way to fulfill our duties for both Mingyu and his father, and end this once and for all,” she pressed, pushing up her glasses.

"It's too risky,” Yoongi countered, pursing his lips.

"Why? The government has our back, and this gang has been doing business under their noses with nothing stopping them,” Onyx argued. “ I'm sure everyone agrees that they're a nuisance that needs wiping out”

"You can't guarantee wiping them out entirely.”

“I can, I have a plan.”

“Eliminating the Red Scorpion will take more than just killing a few people, no matter what you do, there will still be members in hiding who will keep it going.”

“The moment the heads of the Red Scorpion are gone, the members will have no one to follow,” Onyx smiled. “Leaders aren’t made in a day, you know.”

“You are underestimating what you’re dealing with,” Yoongi said, folding his arms. “I will reiterate for you, going head to head with this gang will only put the organization in danger.”

Onyx chuckled, inclining forward, hands steepled. "I sense bluff, sir, and it does not look good on you.”

"Excuse me?" he scoffed.

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