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Pedestrians rushed past the cafe window. Rain beat down the glass, mirroring veins on Mingyu's forearm as he traced them. A small smile nestled on his lips, hand wrapped around a scorching mug of coffee, as he flipped through his sketchbook. Everything was coming together exactly how he wanted, every artpiece was completed, all was left was getting the portfolio together, handing it in and getting the approval of his professor. Hopefully.

His eyes traced the cafe space. This early in the morning, people were slowly milling in for their dose of caffeine for the day, but no one bothered sitting down. It felt like only he understood the need to slow down on that busy Monday morning, to breathe in a few more times, just in case.

Nothing could ruin the lovely rainy day for him, not his forgotten umbrella, nor his cracked phonescreen. He woke up determined to enjoy it to the fullest, and that he will do.

Grabbing an extra latte on his way out for his project partner, he exited the cafe, sheilding his head with the leather satchel. Rain turned to hail, batting down against his red fingers. He hissed under his breath as he crossed the street, knowing very well the cracks that will form later on his hands.

He arrived to the campus library right in time to catch Jungkook at door, the latter looking flustered as he fumbled inside his backpack.

"Please tell me you're done with your work," Mingyu said, handing him the latte.

"Almost, not quite. Actually, not even half way, my sister's getting married this weekend and it's been hectic at home, I swear to God," Jungkook said, sipping on coffee, nodding a thank-you, "I had half my work freaking ruined because some brat spilled tea over it."

Mingyu took a long deep breath in.

Nothing is going to ruin today.

"We still have two days left, can you get it done?"

"Yeah, if I sleep over at the library. The sketches are done, the watercolors are the issue," Jungkook mumbled.

"I trust you to get it done in time, bro, if anything I can take a bit of extra work, but I'm behind on finals," Mingyu offered, sitting down at one of the empty tables by the windows.

Jungkook nodded, sighing as he dropped his backpack on the chair next to Mingyu. He ruffled his already messed up hair, and spread his tools all over the table, getting to work.
Mingyu chuckled to himself at the rugged state of the man, and shifted his gaze to the screen that lit up in front of him.


In a dark van, with shaded windows and a fake license plate, sat a man clad in black, chewing his fifth gum for the past twenty-four hours. He could feel his buttocks numbing over, pain shooting up his lower back. They didn't pay him enough for this. Pulling up the binoculars, he gazed through the windows at the gates of the university, where the tall, young man in a beige long coat and a brown satchel just passed. He'd been watching the man run through the rain ever since he left the apartment. Mingyu Kim, a postgraduate art student, a phenomenon beyong comprehension to him; why spend years studying something if you're already darn good at it?

It was already evening when Mingyu showed up again, this time going down the street. He waited till he was faintly seen in the distance before starting the car and following suit.

This target, unlike his previous ones, was easy. His locations were limited, either his apartment, that one cafe or the university. Very rarely did he stray away from those places. Once a week, he'd visit the bowling place two blocks away from campus, and maybe hit the karaoke with other dudes. Repetitive, clear, straight to the point, less mess to deal with.

Satisfying. Stalking Kim Mingyu was satisfying.


Onyx slid her hand through her hair for the second time in a row. The young man in the little photograph in front of her smiled back faintly. Delicate features, slightly tan skin, warm brown eyes, slicked back black hair. An art student. He looked so peaceful, it was a pity. A darn pity.

She did not expect to be assigned to him. When Mischief slid her the file with a smirk, she knew it would be another man. For some reason, he found it comical when Onyx was assigned to protect men. Not that she was incompetent, everyone and their mother knew that she was one of the elite ones, handpicked by the leader Yoongi Min himself, his underling -if so be said- but because he knew her temper, and her ways.

"I'd bet my left kidney that you picked him for me specifically, Jeonghan," she said, glaring daggers down the blond's back as he struted out of the room.

"Codenames, Onyx," Mischief corrected her, stopping midway, "and no, what makes you say that?"

Asshole, your nasty smirk said everything.


The sun was setting, sending deep orange rays over Mingyu's face. He relied on his legs to carry him automatically home; studying for so long had turned off all navigation senses inside his mind.

He swerved down his block, happy to finally reach his apartment complex, when someone collided with his chest. Arms flew around his neck, a fluff of dark caramel hair tingling his chin. He stood there, beyond confused and fully alert as a shrill, female voice yelled, "Mingyu!"


Before he could pull the girl away from himself, with a force unbeknownst to him, she pulled him close and downward, till his ear leveled with her mouth, and her voice completely changed, going two octaves deeper.

"Put your arms around me and listen carefully. You are being followed, if you want to stay in one piece, you need to come with me now."


A/N: hello, readers, welcome to my first ever Seventeen fanfiction. You can call me Eboni, you may know me before, if you are an Army and read books titled Freaks, Tattoos or Troublemaker, that's me, under a different username, years ago.
Anyway, new beginning, I guess?

Fair warning, this story will contain graphic content, I will include warnings as appropriate + expect slow updates, your girl here is a medical student.

Other than that, I'm so so glad you chose to read this, feel free to comment and react :)

Love, Eboni

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