Author's Note Part 2

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Hello my lovely readers!

I still can't quite believe how many kind words I've gotten for this story and I thank each and every one of you for reading it. That being said, I have also gotten some lovely suggestions regarding it and looking back, I do wish I had changed some things. I don't think I will be rewriting or posting a new version of After the War, so instead, here are a few things that I would change if I were to give it another go, in case anyone is vaguely interested.

One thing that I would change is that I wouldn't have Harry and Ron jump straight to being head aurors. Looking back that seems highly unrealistic so I would probably have them jump straight into being aurors instead and dealing with their reputations in the workplace and all of that. I would also have planned out the minor character arcs more fully so that there was more of a definitive ending with characters like Rowstock and Parkinson. I would have liked to further develop the grief in various characters. I originally chose not to focus too heavily on it for fear of sounding redundant, but now I think that it would have added more depth to the characters. There are a few minor other things that I would change chapter by chapter of course, but those are the main issues I wish I had addressed in the first version.

Thank you again for your support and I hope you'll check out a few of my other stories. If you have suggestions or ideas, please do not hesitate to reach out! I love hearing from you all.

After the WarTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon