Chapter 37

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Thursday, February 21st

Ginny had heard about Hermione's infamous homework planners that she gave the boys all those years ago, and she had most definitely heard about its annoying sayings and guilty reminders. Yet nothing could prepare her for the day when she was gifted with one of her own. She forced her grimace into what she sincerely hoped could be taken as a smile and looked up at Hermione who was watching her, beaming in pleasure at the book.

"Thanks, Hermione," Ginny said in their shared dormitory.

"It'll help you prepare for our NEWTs!" Hermione replied happily, sitting criss-crossed on her bed.

"Right." Ginny set the planner to one side of her and looked at it to avoid having to look at Hermione. "To be honest, I'm not too worried about NEWTs myself."

Predictably, Hermione's cheerful expression clouded. "What do you mean?"

"Well... with this offer from the Harpies, I don't really need good scores, do I?" She chanced a look up at her friend.

"But... she told you that it was in no way final! It's more of a try-out than an actual job offer!"

"I know, but--"

"You need to think about a back-up plan!" Hermione persisted.

"I thought that--"

"You're a great chaser, but I'm sure there are lots of others trying out too--"

"I know--"

"So you need to have a plan B! Just in case!"

"HERMIONE!" Ginny shouted with a roll of her eyes and Hermione sat back, effectively quailed for the time being. "I know all of that. Okay? And I do have a plan B. If they don't pick me as a chaser, or even as an alternate, I'll try out for other teams. And if none of them want me, I'll do something else for a Quidditch team! I can be a talent scout, or a trainer, or someone in their sales, or--"


"Look," Ginny continued, holding up a hand against her interruptions. "This doesn't mean I'm not going to try. I'll study and I'll do my best, but I'm warning you now, that I am not going to be studying every hour of every day. Okay?"

Hermione opened her mouth, but then shut it decidedly closed and nodded in acceptance. Ginny nodded once, thinking that the conversation was over.

"But just so you know," Hermione apprised hurriedly. "The NEWTs are just two and half months away."

Ginny couldn't help but laugh out loud at that. "I am aware, Hermione." After seeing her companion's expression fall further, Ginny added kindly, "But thank you."

"Well... my patrol is starting soon," Hermione said slowly. "Thanks again for signing up to do yours with Murphy this month."

"No problem. He's not so bad," Ginny said, swinging her legs off of Hermione's bed.

"Yeah, he's nice," Hermione agreed mildly.

"Have fun with Luna," Ginny said as a goodbye.

Hermione grinned. "I will." She grabbed her gray cardigan and pulled it over her crisp white shirt and even tie, closing the door behind her with a soft click.

Ginny listened intently as her footsteps faded down the stone steps, then sighed to herself and walked to her desk. She pulled open the bottom drawer and grabbed her charms textbook, flipping it to a recent chapter that she had barely understood.

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