Czarina : as far as I remember you approach me for your revenge, with the sole intention of hurting me, shattering me into pieces..

He immediately shook his head in denial, and about to took a step closer to her but failed miserably..

Czarina : stop right there, i didn't allow you to come near me..

She said with her stern voice motioning him to stop, which he did, not wanting to make her more angry than she already is, and no one can better than him know how reasonable her behaviour is, he deserves it..

Czarina : i know the reason but i jst want to hear your side of the story from the starting, even through you didn't hear mines, iam not a stupid like you to do the same..

She slap him with her words, making him to shrink in his place, he knows what she is saying is bitter yet true.

Czarina : tell me your story Riven, i have known Samuel all these years, now i want to know Riven, the real one, tell me your whole story from starting till now. From your name to your family history.. but these time i want truth..

He knows how wrong he was at that time he didn't give her any chance to explain, he just announced she is sinner and punished her..

Riven :. I..... It's...

He shutter in his own words and didn't know where to start, how to explain, those memories are one of the most painful memories he has..

Riven : I am Riven Evans son of Stephen Evans and Jasmine Anderson, i live with my three cousins ryan, vyan and Samara..

After mentioning, Samara he paused staring at czar like he was searching for something but after finding nothing he sighed in relief as he continued..

Riven : uncle Edward and aunt Catherine, justin my half brother, we were from the same mother but our biological dad was different, my dad died in plane crash when i was 1 year old, my mom was left alone with me, my mom and dad were so much in love that my mom was under severe depression, that's when my uncle nd aunty come forward nd took care of me, they handled everything, my uncle arrange number consultancy therapy for my mom,

As Riven was speaking czar was noticing his each and every action and expression, to catch even if there's a slightest trace of him again making a fool out of her, but his each and every word seems so real and expressive like she is seeing a complete movie in his eyes..

Riven : and my mom Started to get back on track it takes her more than 1 nd half year to be normal, my uncle offer her ceo position but she deny she was a simple village girl with simple dreams, she didn't want to handle all these big company mess, so my uncle help her to open a small bouquet shop as my mom was a flower lover, there she meet Mr Collin they used to be in same class in college years, they become close they understand each other as Mr Collin and my mom was in the same boat he also lost his wife in some accident, and soon they fall in love nd my uncle completely support them and there love,

She can clearly see the respect and adoration he has for his uncle, from whatever he is mentioning about his uncle his uncle seems to be one of the purest soul alive..
It seems Ryan get his good positive traits from his Father, he is jst like his father kind-hearted, she can't help but think about him but soon she realised what she was doing..
Why the fuck iam thinking about him, she mentally slapped herself.

Riven : but my grandparents oppose my mom and Mr Collins relationship at first, as they didn't want to lose me, they said iam like my father, just like him like his shadow, and they don't want to lose me after they lose my father, but my uncle was so stubborn he was determined to give my mom her happiness, he believes in 2nd chances nd he determined to give my mom another chance to love and be happy.

Loin.. I Love The Way Your HeartBeat Season 1Where stories live. Discover now