'What the hel-' He cut himself off when he saw how disoriented I was. 

'What's wrong?' He asked and I handed him the scrunched up note while beckoning for him to follow me. 

We sped to Quackity's door while Sapnap read the note. I banged on the door but after a few seconds, nobody answered. I looked at Sapnap and he nodded, backing up to give me some space. 

I backed up and kicked the door open with a bang, seeing the room was dark and empty. We rushed into the room and turned on the light, seeing a clean organized room that haven't seemed to be touched yet except for the closet and the wardrobe. 

'QUACKITY!' I yelled for him but no response came, I looked at Sapnap and his eyes were as wide as mine. 

'Search the room for another note.' I growled and he nodded, not bothering to say anything. We searched around for a while and found a note on the drawer. 

Me and Sapnap growled in anger when we read the note, it said "You know who I am Dream" and there was nothing else

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

Me and Sapnap growled in anger when we read the note, it said "You know who I am Dream" and there was nothing else. 

Whoever kidnapped George and Quackity, they were working together. 

'They have George too...' I growled and Sapnap nodded.

Who ever they were, we were going to catch them no matter what. 

I had to go find the hunters since they might have clues about who would've done that.

I told Sapnap to follow me and we hurried to Wilbur and Niki's room. I knocked on it and a feeling of dread started seeping in when nobody answered. 

I kicked the door open too, not waiting for Sapnap this time. I entered a well lit room and on the table in the middle of the room, was a note. 

I fumed in anger and punched the nearest wall near me in anger, the wall crumbling to pieces from the strength I used

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

I fumed in anger and punched the nearest wall near me in anger, the wall crumbling to pieces from the strength I used. 

'Shit!' I yelled and Sapnap placed a hand on my shoulder to calm me down. My eyes were glowing redder than ever before and Sapnap walked in front of me and sat me oen on the coucj, then sat down beside me. 

'What happened?' He asked and I looked away from him, not meeting his eye, I had lied to him about the hunters and all of this happened because of me.

'It's okay, Dream, just tell me.' Sapnap said firmly and I knew he wasn't going to budge until I tell him. 

I sighed and laid back, covering my eyes with my palm and tried to relax. I explained the whole story about the hunters and George and when I was done, I looked to Sapnap to see his reaction. 

He was dazed, still processing the large amount of information I just crammed into his head. He just furrowed his brows and nodded slowly. 

'Okay...' He said slowly and closed his eyes. 

'We will find them and make them pay for what they've done. Don't worry about it Dream.' Sapnap reassured me and I nodded. 

'We definitely will.' I replied shortly.

Mark my words when I say I will make them pay for what they have done. 

The End 

A bit of an abrupt ending I know, but there will be a second book for this series, and you guys just have to wait for it ;)

hope u guys liked this chapter and please vote and comment, and have a great rest of your day! <3

word count: 1163 words.

Vampire BloodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora