chapter 16 (smut)

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sorry i haven't been updating for a while... School and all and i have a bit of a writers block :0

anyways, a chapter for you guys cuz i realized i haven't posted smut in a while cuz i've been writing too much lore lol. tbh i dont think my smut writing is good so uh, enjoy?

//nsfw warning// (obviously lol)

George pov

I winced as I woke up, I found myself in a bed and seemed to be in a hospital. I rubbed my left eye since it was a little blurry but the blurriness didn't go away. There was an ache in my neck whenever I moved and my head was killing me. 

'D-Dream?' I called out weakly, my voice was hoarse and cracked a little at the end. 

'Hi, George!' A voice chirped out of nowhere, making me jump. I whipped my head around to see a demon smiling at me. He started walking towards me and I tried to scramble back but I found one of my wrist was chained to the bed post. 

'It's okay, George, calm down... I'm the head doctor here and Dream will be arriving shortly.' He said softly, stopping in his tracks and raised both his hand up in defense. I calmed down a little but I still tried to move backwards as much as I can. 

'George?' I heard Dream call out of the blue and I jumped, snapping my head to him and found him standing a few feet away from me, near the doctor. I smiled and tried to get off the bed, but was held back by the handcuff. The doctor raised a hand protectively before Dream and I frowned. 

I noticed there was a small cut on the side of Dream's cheek and his hoodie was cut in several places. 

'Dream?' I said weakly and Dream stepped forward, pushing the doctor's hand out of the way.

'Dream...' The doctor warned and Dream shook his head at him. 

'It's okay Bad.' He said and started walking towards me again. I whimpered as the burning sensation on my neck started again as soon as he got close. He stopped when he saw me wince in pain. 

'George...' He said worryingly and started backing up again. 

'It's okay Dream, I'm okay.' I whispered loud enough for him to hear. I shook off the pain and the cuff on my wrist clicked open. I immediately scrambled off the bed and into Dream's embrace. Tears fell from my eyes as I collapsed into him, he held me up and returned the hug with just as much passion. The happiness I was feeling of seeing Dream and being in his arms drowned the burning pain from my neck.

I heard Dream say goodbye and thanks quickly to Bad and then we had teleported away quickly before he could say anything back. We were in his room instantly and I parted from him, wiping my tears away with the back of my hand. My left eye was still a bit blurry but it was getting better. 

'George, your okay now...' Dream said, staring into my eyes. I gulped and nodded, pulling him into a hug again. 

'George...' I jumped as I suddenly heard Asmodeus' voice in my left ear, I whirled around and scanned the room for any sign of him, my eyes wide with fear. 

'George?' Dream asked, pulling me out of my trance. I shook my head and smiled softly at him. 

'I'm okay... I thought I heard someone.' I said quietly and went to sit down on the bed, Dream plopped down beside me shortly after and pulled me into his lap. I looked up to look at him and saw the cut on his face again. I furrowed my brows in confusion. 

Why hasn't he healed it yet?

I thought and reached my hand up to touch it lightly, Dream winced slightly and I pulled away. 

Vampire Bloodजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें