chapter 15

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This image is literally so funny omg tubbo, tommy, and ranboo as powerpuff girls??? omg thats so funny lmaoooooooooo 

anyways, enjoy this chapter! its an interesting one to say the least and it was pretty fun to write. :D

//tw mention of blood// 

George pov

I gasped awake and found myself in a bed of flowers, daisies to be specific. I rubbed my eyes since they were blurry and my eyes focused on a ruby red butterfly in front of me, it fluttered it's wings at me, as if it wants me to follow it. 

I stood up with ease and looked around, there was a whole field of flowers around me and the scene seemed to be dream like, a thin sheet of fog floated around above the flowers where the butterfly was leading me. The sky seemed to darken as I walked into the fog, the butterfly staying perfectly clear in my vision somehow. 

My feet crunched over dead leaves as the daisies slowly disappeared below my feet and soon, all I could see was the butterfly and fog, I couldn't even see my hands when I stretched them in front of me. I blindly followed the butterfly as it seemed to glow in the fog, somehow always staying in my line of sight wherever I turned. 

Suddenly, I stepped on air and the butterfly disappeared in front of me, I screamed as I fell down into a deep dark abyss of void. 

Dream pov (tw mention of blood)

I paced around nervously as George floated around above the ground mindlessly, surrounded by a cocoon of blood. I could tell he was unconscious since his eyes were glossed over with red and the pentagram of my mark was glowing red, only leaving the green smiley face untouched and lime green.

He sometimes looked around in confusion, his eyes focusing on everything and nothing at the same time. I had tried to pull him out of his stance but whenever I got close, his cocoon of blood would form weapons and try to attack me, only when I got away, would the blood then retract back into the shape of a cocoon. The blood surrounding George was clearly his blood since it smelled like him and I was worried about how much blood he was losing to the cocoon.

I had contacted the hunters just now and they were coming here as fast as they could but I was still nervous. Suddenly, George screamed and fell to the ground, the cocoon morphing around him to allow him to touch the ground. I wanted to go to him and embrace him in my arms but the blood was clearly aggravated and swirling around him like thick mist, no longer in the form of a cocoon. 

The hunters barged through the doors and my head snapped towards them, their eyes widened as soon as it landed on George. 

'What?' Niki said with disbelief while Wilbur just looked exited. 

'I KNEW IT HA!' Wilbur exclaimed and I growled.

'I believe there is a more important situation at hand than your feelings.' I snarled at him and he glared at me but walking over to where George was. 

'Wait!' I shouted at him but it was too late, he the blood was already forming spikes and launching themselves at Wilbur, but thankfully, he dodged most of it and jumped back with a hiss, but the cuts on his body wasn't healing for some reason. 

'Uh oh... We can't do anything right now, we can only wait for him to free himself.' He said with a serious expression. 

George pov (still tw mention of blood) 

I eyes fluttered awake and I found myself on the ground, only the ground was made of water and I somehow still managed to stand on it without getting wet.

Vampire BloodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora