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The man smiled as he walked through the hallway leading to his study, his mask on his face was one of a smile with closed eyes. 

He pushed open the doubled doors leading to his study and was met with the man who was their leader, the one who was the most powerful.

The man had two big horns protruding out of his brown curls. His eyes were ones of the devil.

'Well done.' He said once the man knelt down in front of him. 

'It was my honor.' The man said with a mechanic voice through the mask. 

'What do you want me to do with them.' The man said once more and looked up at him. 

He smiled at him and beckoned for him to come closer.

'You can have the vampire, but bring the young one to me.' He whispered in the man's ear. The man smirked and nodded, stepping away from the throne. 

'Thank you, I will give him the time of his life.' The man smirked and left the room with a smug smile. 

He had done a good job, finishing the job with 100% accuracy. His partner in crime has done well too, but she didn't want a reward, she only desired to work for him and she was going to bring the child to him since she had him in her room. 

The man smirked as he reached the door to his room. He pushed open the door and stepped in, relishing the sight of his room once again after being gone for so long. He went down a set of stairs leading to the basement and a sinister smile placed itself on his lips when he saw the vampire chained to the wall. 

He walked over to him and lifted his head with his fingers, meeting the vampire's angry red eyes. The vampire struggled against his chains on the wall but the man paid no attention to it. 

'What shall I do with you, Quackity.' The man said while taking off his mask and setting it on the table beside him. 

His smirk widened when he saw the vampire's reaction. The vampire shrank back a little, his angry demeanor all gone. 

'N-No...' The vampire stuttered, struggling against his chains to get away from the man. 

'I can guarantee, Quackity, that we are going to have a lot of fun.'

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