XXI | I Do

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Two weeks ago when the two of you came back to the avengers headquarters you thought it'd be funny to play a prank on everyone.

Before entering the doors you gave eachother the rings back and pretended to be pissed at eachother.

You went off to your room and Bucky went to the living room and the game was in play. Steve rushed to Bucky and Tony to you. You swore you two almost started another civil war.

Now the two of you stood in your seprate hotel rooms. Apart. But this time not for fun, this time was out of nerves.

"Peter what if he backs out last minute. What if I back out last minute? What then? What if he doesn't actually love me. What if Hydra comes in and says my trigger words? What if he-"

"Wowowowowwowowowow, Mx. L/n, slow down. First off, he won't. Second, you won't. Third, he does. Fourth... trigger words?"

"You didn't hear that."

"Yes I did."

"Nope, you're a kid, your imagination is going wild." You say, going back to tying your tye.


"Petie boi?"


"Peter, my guy. My best man. My man of honor."

He sits you down on the bed. "Tell. Me. Spill the tea."

"Oh sweet Jesus your so gay."

"Somewhat, and hypocrite."

"We're talking about the fact you just came out to me after the honeymoon."


"Okokok. Hydra wanted me to kill hundreds more than I had including some people I knew. So they brain washed me and made trigger words for me because I wouldn't comply and those trigger words are still usable but lucky for me the only one who knows them are some Hydra people and a guy named Zemo, but bad news is the copy that got destroyed after Zemo might not be the only one..." You spoke quickly  and Peter almost didn't get everything. "Ta-daaa..." you say sarcastically.

"Well the chances of-"

"Don't say it." You cover his mouth. "It might happen." Peter nodded and you sighed, letting him go you stood up, continuing to tye your tye.

"Fuck, Pete what am I doing? I killed for over fifty years and now I'm marrying the man of my dreams. Why does this feel so weird."

Peter sat up, stopping you from your struggles of tying your tye and continues to do it for you. "Sometimes, when everything's been wrong for a long time. The right things feel weird." He finished tying your tye and you give him a big hug.

"Oh God kid. You and Buck have turned me soft." You squeeze him, letting him go, "You're a good kid Peter. Thank you."

"No problem, now, we gotta get your vest and jacket on because you gotta be walking down the isle in..." He checks his watch. "Seven minutes! Oh no, Mr. Starks gonna kill me if I make you late!"

You get your things on in a rush and grab your bike keys. "Kill you? He'll kill me! And it's my wedding!" You rush Peter out the door and down to the parking lot to your motorcycle.

"Mr. Stark told me to not let you go on your bike, he said it'll-"

"It's the quickest way kid. Hop on." You say tossing him your helmet.

"What about yours?" He asks grabbing onto your waist.

"Don't sweat it." You start up the engine and speed off with only five minutes to spare.

That. Fucking. Smirk. Bucky Barnes X Reader Where stories live. Discover now